French Cherry Tart Recipe

Cherry Delight: French Cherry Tart Recipe

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The French cherry tart, or cherry frangipane tart, is a wonderful dessert. It combines the sweetness of cherries with almond cream and a buttery pastry. This tart is a treat for your taste buds and a feast for the eyes.

You’ll need a 25cm/10-inch tart tin for this tasty dessert. The sweet shortcrust pastry, or pâte sucrée, uses butter, icing sugar, an egg, ground almonds, and flour. These ingredients create a fine, buttery base for the tart.

The filling is a mix of butter, caster sugar, almonds, flour, baking powder, almond extract, Kirsch, eggs, and cherries. This mixture forms a velvety almond cream. It goes perfectly with the tartness of the cherries.

First, chill the pâte sucrée for 30 minutes. This makes the pastry easier to work with. Once it’s chilled, roll it out and place it in the tart tin. Arrange pitted cherries on the frangipane in circles for a beautiful look.

Bake the tart at 200°C for 25 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180°C for 15 to 20 minutes. Baking fills your kitchen with an amazing smell.

Let the tart cool a bit before you serve it. Enjoy it warm or cool, as you like. Add creme fraiche or icing sugar for extra pleasure.

If there are leftovers, store them in the fridge for up to 4 days. You can also freeze the tart for up to three months. This way, you have a tasty treat ready whenever you wish.

The French cherry tart looks stunning and tastes amazing. It’s perfect for a dinner party or as a special treat. It’s sure to capture your senses and impress anyone who tries it. So, have a go at making this outstanding French pastry.

Find the full French cherry tart recipe here

How to Make the Pâte Sucrée and Frangipane

To start making the French cherry tart, you need to make the pâte sucrée. This sweet shortcrust pastry is simple to make. You need butter, icing sugar, a big egg, ground almonds, and plain flour.

You cream the butter and icing sugar first, then add the egg and some flour. Next, you mix in the ground almonds and the rest of the flour gradually.

After mixing, use your hands to form a smooth ball of dough. Wrap it in cling film. Then, chill it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Next, it’s time to roll out the pâte sucrée. On a surface dusted with flour, roll the pastry to fit a 25cm tart tin. Then, carefully transfer it to the tin, pressing into the corners and letting the excess hang over.

Prick the pastry base with a fork. This stops it from puffing up while baking. For blind baking, line it with parchment and fill it with weights.

Heat your oven to 180°C. Bake the pastry shell for about 15 minutes until golden at the edges. Then, remove the weights and paper, and bake for 5 more minutes to dry the base. Let it cool slightly after.

Now, prepare the frangipane, or almond cream. Mix butter, sugar, ground almonds, flour, baking powder, almond extract, and eggs. Keep mixing until it’s smooth and creamy.

Spread the frangipane in the tart shell. Then, add the cherries on top, pressing them in lightly. Your tart is now ready to bake.

Bake the tart at the same oven temperature for 25-30 minutes. Wait until the frangipane sets and is golden before taking it out. Let it cool before serving.

The mix of sweet pastry, almond cream, and cherries makes this tart amazing. It tastes great warm or cold. Add icing sugar or creme fraiche to make it even better.

You can keep this dessert in the fridge for up to 4 days. Or freeze it to eat later, for up to three months. This lets you enjoy its lovely taste anytime.

Tips and Variations for the French Cherry Tart

Making the perfect French cherry tart can be an exciting journey. Leaving cherries unpitted adds a burst of flavor. But, pitting them makes eating easier. For an almond twist, add ground almonds into the tart crust mixture.

Want to tweak this French classic? Try making clafoutis, a similar yet versatile dessert. With clafoutis, feel free to use fruits like plums or apples. This offers endless possibilities for tasty and unique tarts.

Serve your cherry tart warm or cool, with creme fraiche or ice cream for luxury. A dusting of icing sugar on top makes it visually appealing.

You can store the tart in the fridge for up to four days. It keeps well, so you enjoy it over time. It can also be frozen for three months, keeping its delicious quality.

The French cherry tart is truly a taste of France. It blends sweet cherries, almond cream, and a buttery crust. These tips will help you make a dessert that will wow everyone.


Can I pit the cherries before adding them to the tart?

Yes, you can pit the cherries if you prefer. Usually, cherries are kept whole to boost the frangipane filling’s flavor. However, you can choose to pit them.

Can I add ground almonds to the flour for extra almond flavor?

Absolutely! Adding ground almonds to the flour will enhance the almond taste. It’ll make the tart even nuttier.

Can I use different fruits in the French cherry tart?

Yes, trying different fruits like plums, apricots, apples, or figs is a great idea. These fruits can turn the classic French cherry tart into a delightful flognarde or flaugnarde tart.

How should I serve the French cherry tart?

Serving the tart warm or cooled works well. Add a dollop of creme fraiche, a scoop of ice cream, or icing sugar for extra sweetness.

How long can I store the French cherry tart?

Keep the tart in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 4 days. Or freeze it for up to three months. This way, you’ll always have a tasty dessert ready.


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