lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake

Combining Flavours: Lemon Drizzle and Poppy Seed Cake Recipe

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Enjoy a burst of flavor with our Lemon Drizzle and Poppy Seed Cake recipe. It pairs the sharpness of lemon with the nutty taste of poppy seeds. You won’t stop wanting more of this sweet treat!

This cake is a soft and moist wonder. It’s packed with the zesty essence of lemon. The seeds give it a satisfying texture.

The secret that makes this recipe stand out is a lemon simple syrup. This syrup makes the cake even moister. It brings a punch of lemony goodness.

For the finishing touch, a simple lemon icing is drizzled on top. This icing is both sweet and tangy. It makes the dessert irresistible.

Ready to be whisked away by amazing flavors? Let’s start exploring how to make this incredible cake!

Ingredients and Preparation

Exploring the tasty world of lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake is exciting. Let’s first get to know what we need and how to make it. This cake is truly a wonderful treat to savor.


  • Cake flour
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Poppy seeds
  • Granulated sugar
  • Lemon zest
  • Unsalted butter
  • Eggs
  • Heavy cream
  • Milk
  • Lemon extract

You will also need a few more items. These go into making the lemon syrup and icing. They make the cake even more delicious and moist.


Follow these steps to bake a scrumptious lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake:

  1. First, mix the dry stuff: cake flour, baking powder, salt, and poppy seeds in a bowl.
  2. Then, beat butter, sugar, and lemon zest until it’s fluffy in another bowl.
  3. Add eggs one at a time to the butter and sugar, mixing well every time.
  4. Now, add the flour mix and the cream, milk, and lemon extract alternately, starting and ending with the flour.
  5. Pour the batter into a loaf pan and smooth out the top.
  6. Bake the cake at 350°F (175°C) for 50-55 minutes. Check with a toothpick. It should come out clean when it’s done.
  7. While the cake is still warm, poke holes on top with a skewer. This helps the lemon syrup soak in.
  8. Pour the lemon syrup over the cake so it can soak up all that flavor.
  9. When the cake is cool, make the lemon icing. Mix powdered sugar, lemon juice, and zest until smooth.
  10. Drizzle the icing over the cake. Let it set.
  11. Now, your lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake is ready to be cut and served.

The Best Lemon and Poppy Seed Cake

This recipe for lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake is top-notch. It marries the bright taste of lemon with the subtle bite of poppy seeds, making a dessert that’s hard to resist.

The cake’s secret is how it brings together its ingredients. It uses fresh lemon zest, lemon extract, and poppy seeds for a cake that shouts out with citrusy goodness. A lemon simple syrup makes the cake extra moist and lemony.

The icing on top is what makes this cake stand out. It blends sweet and sour perfectly, boosting the cake’s flavor. If you love lemons or are just up for something new, this lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake is a winner. It combines great taste and crunch in a way that’ll wow your guests, no matter the event.


Can I use all-purpose flour instead of cake flour?

Yes, you can. But remember, the cake might turn out a bit heavier without the cake flour.

Can I use a different type of citrus fruit instead of lemon?

Sure, you can swap in lime or orange for a different twist on the recipe.

Can I omit the poppy seeds?

Certainly, if you want a basic lemon cake, skip the poppy seeds. They do add a fun crunch though.

How long does the cake need to cool before adding the icing?

Let it cool completely first, which might take 1 to 2 hours.

Can I freeze the lemon drizzle and poppy seed cake?

Absolutely, it freezes well for three months. Just wrap it up good or seal it in a container first.

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