delia smith dorset apple cake

Delia Smith’s Classic Dorset Apple Cake Recipe

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Looking for a taste of autumn? Check out Delia Smith’s Dorset apple cake. It’s a classic recipe perfect for this cozy season. Delia Smith, a well-known British chef, made this dessert famous. It celebrates the West Country’s apples.

This cake is made from wholemeal flour, butter, and light muscovado sugar. It also features apples like Granny Smith or Cox’s. Delia’s recipe includes cinnamon or nutmeg and you can add sultanas for more flavor.

The cake is moist and full of apple flavor. It will make you feel like you’re in the beautiful Dorset countryside. Enjoy it warm with cream or custard for the perfect fall treat.

Delia Smith’s Dorset apple cake is all about the season’s best tastes. It’s great for any event and offers lots of ways to make it your own. So, take in the autumn flavors and have a slice of this classic British dessert.

Ingredients and Preparation of Delia Smith’s Dorset Apple Cake

Delia Smith’s Dorset apple cake is a favorite for its natural apple taste. It’s easy to make at home with common ingredients.

To make this cake, gather these ingredients:

  • Self-raising flour
  • Baking powder
  • Mixed spice
  • Cinnamon
  • Bramley apples (or Granny Smith)
  • Eggs
  • Spreadable butter
  • Light brown soft sugar
  • Grated orange zest
  • Mixed peel

Start by mixing the self-raising flour, baking powder, and spices together. Sifting them ensures a smooth blend without lumps.

Then, prepare the apples by peeling and dicing them. Dicing makes sure they mix well in the cake.

In another bowl, use an electric mixer to blend butter, sugar, eggs, and zest. Mix until it’s creamy.

Combine the dry and wet mixtures gradually. Make sure they mix well without overdoing it.

Lastly, add the apples and mixed peel. Mix them in gently.

Pour the batter into a cake tin and bake. It should be ready in about an hour.

Let the cake cool before serving. You can dust it with icing sugar for extra sweetness.

That’s it! Now you have a delicious Dorset apple cake to share. It’s a hit with everyone, anytime.

Variations and Serving Suggestions for Delia Smith’s Dorset Apple Cake

Delia Smith’s Dorset apple cake recipe is a favorite, but you can make it even better. There are many ways to change up the taste and look of this treat. Let’s dive into some fun ideas:


  • Experiment with different types of apples – Use tart Granny Smith apples for a zesty kick. Spiced Cox’s apples add warmth and flavor.
  • Add dried fruit for extra sweetness – Try sultanas for natural sweetness and a chewy feel.
  • Incorporate other spices – Mix in nutmeg or cinnamon for a warm, fragrant cake.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Enjoy it warm with cream or custard – Top warm cake with cream or custard for a moist treat.
  • Pair it with a hot beverage – Cake and a hot drink make a perfect comfort combo.
  • Explore savory-sweet contrasts – Try a slice of cake with sharp cheddar for a surprising flavor.

These ideas show how you can make Delia Smith’s cake your own. Change the apples, add new flavors, or pick the perfect sides. This dessert from Britain will always impress.

Delicious slice of Dorset Apple Cake


Delia Smith’s Dorset apple cake is a timeless treat that screams autumn. It’s the perfect British dessert to enjoy the fall apples’ sweetness.

This recipe is simple but delicious all year long. It’s great with tea or even with cream. This cake will always make you smile.

So, why not make Dorset apple cake this fall? You will love its moist and rich taste. Enjoy a slice of autumn with Delia’s special recipe. Don’t miss out on this classic dessert.


Can I use plain white flour instead of wholemeal flour?

Yes, you can use plain white flour instead of wholemeal. Just follow your recipe as usual.

What type of apples should I use for the cake?

Use firm apples for a tasty cake. Granny Smith or Cox’s are good choices, says the recipe.

Can I add spices or dried fruit to the cake?

Yes, spices and dried fruit can really boost the flavor. Mix in cinnamon, nutmeg, or sultanas as you like.

What can I use as a topping for the cake?

You can use demerara sugar or almonds for topping. They add crunch and flavor.

How long should I bake the cake for?

Bake the cake for about an hour. It should feel springy when you touch the top.

How should I serve the Dorset apple cake?

Serve the cake warm. Add a bit of cream or custard. It’s perfect with tea, coffee, or even cheese.

Are there any variations to the recipe?

Yes, you can change the apples or add your favorite spices. Trying new toppings is a fun way to make it yours.

Can I dust the cake with icing sugar?

Yes, you can. After it’s cooled, a sprinkle of icing sugar makes it look pretty.

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