devon apple cake

Discover the Charm of Devon Apple Cake

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Enjoy the rustic sweetness of Devon apple cake from England. It’s a beloved English dessert, known for its countryside charm. Made with a rich history and a traditional recipe, it showcases the best of English baking. It’s the perfect sweet for a cozy afternoon treat.

Devon apple cake is famous for its mix of flavors and textures. It uses fresh apples like Granny Smith or Cox, adding a great contrast. Wholemeal flour brings a bit of heaviness, while butter gives a rich, dense feel.

This cake is great with a cup of hot tea or as a dessert after any meal. It’s loved for its simple, homey taste and a long history in English food. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy this traditional dessert and taste the true essence of English baking.

The History of Cakes and Gateaux

Cakes have a deep history. They go back to ancient times. The cakes we love today mostly started in the mid-17th century, especially in Europe. Changes in ovens and the ready supply of sugar were big influences. These made the round, iced cakes we know today possible.

Back then, cakes were made in shapes like we do with cookies today. They used hoops of metal, wood, or paper. Early recipes used dried fruits for flavor and sweetness. But it wasn’t until the 19th century that recipes changed. They started using white flour and baking powder. This made cakes light and fluffy like we enjoy now.

Antonin Careme: A Pioneer in Cake Modernization

In France, chef Antonin Careme was a big deal. He changed how cakes were made. His new methods made cake baking an art form. Cakes became more creative and elegant because of him.

“Gateaux” is a fancy French term for a special kind of cake. It can be decorated beautifully with things like fruit or cream. It can also mean other sweet treats made with pastry. This term brings to mind fancy, classy baking.

Over the years, cakes have changed a lot. They started as simple round balls. But now, they come in many shapes and sizes. This change was thanks to new cake pans and molds. They let bakers get really creative with designs.

The Evolution of Cakes and Gateaux

Let’s go through how cakes and gateaux have evolved:

Time Period Milestones
Ancient Times Cakes were simple, round, and often sweetened with honey.
17th Century The emergence of modern cakes as we know them today, thanks to reliable ovens and refined sugar.
19th Century The introduction of extra refined white flour and baking powder, resulting in the light and fluffy texture of cakes.
Antonin Careme’s Era Gateaux gained popularity, showcasing intricate decorations and exquisite flavors.
Current Era Cake pans and molds provide endless possibilities for creative and unique cake designs.

Cakes and gateaux have come a long way. Bakers always aim to do more. This shows how baking is both a tradition and a field of new ideas.

Cakes have been refined over time. Today’s cakes are both delicious and beautiful. The story of cakes and gateaux shows the never-ending creativity in baking.

How to Make a Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska is a show-stopping ice cream cake for special events. It features ice cream inside, a brownie bottom, and a meringue top. The process to make one is simple. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Prepare the Ice Cream

First, grease a bowl and line it with plastic. Add ice cream in any pattern you like, then cover with the plastic wrap. Let it freeze until firm.

Step 2: Bake the Brownie

Next, make a quick brownie in a round pan. After baking, let it cool and then carefully turn it out onto a rack.

Step 3: Assemble the Baked Alaska

Put the brownie on a serving plate. Lift the ice cream out of the bowl using the plastic. Set it on top of the brownie. Trim the brownie’s edges if it’s too big.

Step 4: Make the Meringue Topping

Then, whip up the meringue. Beat egg whites, sugar, salt, and vanilla until it’s thick and glossy. Spread it over the cake in pretty swirls. Pop it back in the freezer.

Step 5: Toast the Meringue

Finally, toast the meringue until it’s golden. You can also make a flambé by pouring warm alcohol over it and lighting it. Be careful with the flames!

Serving and Storage

When ready to serve, slice the Baked Alaska thinly with a sharp knife. It stores well in the freezer for a week. The meringue stays good for a few days, too.

With this dessert, you can wow your guests. Baked Alaska brings together ice cream, brownie, and meringue for an unforgettable treat. Enjoy!


Devon apple cake and Baked Alaska show how rich English baking is. Devon apple cake is full of rustic beauty and the taste of fresh apples. It shows the lovely side of the English countryside. Made with flour, butter, and sugar, it’s perfect with a cup of tea. People love it in the fall.

Baked Alaska is a dessert that really catches the eye. It has a brownie, ice cream, and a meringue top. Even though it takes some work to make, it always amazes. You can choose your favorite ice cream and toppings to make it special.

Both desserts tell a story of English sweets across the years. They offer something for everyone. Whether you like old-fashioned or new desserts, these are sure to please. They show the long-lasting appeal of English sweets and the happiness they bring.


What is Devon apple cake?

Devon apple cake is a well-loved English dessert. It celebrates the simple sweetness of fresh apples. It’s especially popular in the county of Dorset.

Each recipe can be a bit different. But, the one from the West Country is often chosen by many. This version usually uses wholemeal flour to make it a bit denser.

Butter is a key ingredient, adding a rich feel to the cake. You can use either white caster sugar or soft light brown sugar. These give the cake a hint of caramel.

This cake pairs well with apples that are firm, like Granny Smith or Cox. This adds a nice contrast. Sometimes, people add dried fruit or spices like cinnamon for more flavor.

What is the history of cakes?

Cakes have been around a long time, tracing back to ancient times. However, the cakes we are familiar with today began appearing in the mid-17th century in Europe.

As ovens became more reliable and sugar more refined, cakes changed. These influences led to the round, iced cakes we know. Cake hoops helped form cakes back then, and they could be made of metal, wood, or paper.

Historically, cakes used fruits such as raisins and currants. The use of refined white flour and baking powder started in the 19th century. This made cakes lighter and fluffier as we know them now.

French pastry chef Antonin Careme was a big influence. He brought new techniques to the art of making cakes. In French, “gateaux” often refers to a more elaborate version of cake, sometimes decorated with fresh fruit or cream.

How do you make a Baked Alaska?

To make a Baked Alaska, first, prep a bowl with nonstick spray and cover it with plastic wrap. Put ice cream in the bowl any way you like and cover it.

Freeze the ice cream-filled bowl until it’s solid. While waiting, bake a simple brownie in a round pan.

Once the brownie is cool, put it on a plate. Then, take out the ice cream using the plastic and put it on the brownie. Make the meringue by whisking egg whites, sugar, salt, and vanilla until firm and shiny.

Add the meringue on the cake and freeze again until firm. Toast the meringue until it’s golden. You can also flambé it for a dramatic touch. This cake serves well in thin slices and can stay in the freezer for a week.

What do Devon apple cake and Baked Alaska have in common?

Devon apple cake and Baked Alaska are distinct but both are cherished English desserts. Devon apple cake brings out the sweetness of apples in a simple, homely way.

On the flip side, Baked Alaska is a grand ice cream dessert with a meringue topping. It’s made with a brownie base. They’re both special treats that can mark a celebration or a day for pampering.

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