traditional dorset apple cake recipe

How to Bake a Traditional Dorset Apple Cake

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Welcome to English baking, a world where making treats at home is special. The Dorset apple cake is a perfect example of this. It mixes apples and spices to create a tasty, comforting treat.

This cake is easy to make with just a few ingredients and simple steps. Making it at home will make any occasion special. It’s perfect for a tea party or just to enjoy a slice of something tasty.

Ingredients and Preparation

If you want to bake a yummy Dorset apple cake, choosing the right ingredients is really important. Combined with the proper steps, your cake will turn out great every time. Check out the must-have ingredients and simple instructions below.


Make sure you’ve got these ingredients:

  • Unsalted butter – 200g, softened
  • Self-raising flour – 250g
  • Ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
  • Light brown sugar – 175g
  • A large egg – lightly beaten
  • Milk – 125ml
  • Bramley or Granny Smith apples – 3, peeled, cored, and diced
  • Sultanas – 75g
  • Demerara sugar (optional) – for sprinkling


Follow these steps to make your Dorset apple cake:

  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Grease a 23cm (9-inch) cake tin and line it with parchment paper.
  2. Mix the self-raising flour and ground cinnamon in a bowl.
  3. Add the softened butter and rub it into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs.
  4. Mix in the light brown sugar well.
  5. In another bowl, beat the egg and add it slowly to the flour mix. Stir well.
  6. Gradually pour in the milk while stirring, until smooth.
  7. Mix in the diced apples and sultanas evenly.
  8. Put the batter into your cake tin and make the top even.
  9. Optional: Sprinkle demerara sugar on top for a sweet crunch.
  10. Bake for 45-50 minutes, until golden and a skewer comes out clean.

With these simple steps and ingredients, baking the perfect Dorset apple cake is easier than you think. The batter is set, so it’s time to bake. Enjoy the smell of your cake warming up the house.

Baking and Serving

Once the cake is in the oven, bake it at the recommended temperature until it’s golden on top. A skewer inserted into the middle should come out clean. This usually takes about 50-60 minutes. Keep an eye on it to avoid overcooking.

After baking, let the cake cool in the tin for a bit. Then move it to a wire rack to cool completely. This helps the cake not stick to the tin and cools it evenly.

The traditional Dorset apple cake tastes best when served still warm. It fills the air with the sweet scent of apples and cinnamon. Eating it warm makes it taste even better and cozier. Add custard to the cake for a rich and creamy flavor.

Baking a Traditional Dorset Apple Cake

Enjoy this cake for dessert or as a special afternoon snack with tea. It has a soft sponge with apples and spices that everyone will enjoy. Share it with family and friends for lovely moments and experiences of English baking at its finest.


The traditional Dorset apple cake is more than a recipe. It’s a lovely journey in English baking. It uses fresh apples, warm spices, and a moist cake to bring comfort and joy.

The cake is special because it’s simple. Any kitchen has the ingredients needed. This makes it perfect for both experts and new chefs.

Why not start a new baking journey with a Dorset apple cake? Just follow the simple steps. Enjoy the wonderful taste of a homemade delight.

Let English baking’s charm fill your home with the smell of fresh apples and spices. This recipe is a classic for a reason. It’s your time to enjoy making it in your kitchen.


Can I use any type of apples for the traditional Dorset apple cake?

Yes, Bramley or Granny Smith apples work well for the Dorset apple cake.

Can I omit the sultanas from the recipe?

If you don’t like sultanas, it’s fine to leave them out. The cake will still be tasty.

How long does the traditional Dorset apple cake need to cool before serving?

Let the cake cool in the tin at first. Then move it to a rack to cool completely.

Can I serve the traditional Dorset apple cake with something other than custard?

This cake is delicious with different things. Try it with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Can I make the traditional Dorset apple cake ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the cake early. Keep it fresh in an airtight container for 3 days. Heat it up again to serve warm.

Can I freeze the traditional Dorset apple cake?

Freezing is okay for this cake. Keep it well wrapped and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw before eating.

Can I add additional spices to the traditional Dorset apple cake?

Want more spice? Add a bit of nutmeg or allspice to your cinnamon.

Can I replace the self-raising flour with all-purpose flour?

Sure, you can use all-purpose flour with baking powder as a self-raising flour substitute.

Can I substitute the light brown sugar with granulated sugar?

Yes, granulated sugar is a good substitute for light brown sugar. Just know, brown sugar adds a nice flavor.

Do I need to peel the apples before adding them to the cake?

Peeling the apples is a choice. Leave the peel on for extra taste and texture.

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