Mary Berry Banana and Walnut Cake

Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake: A Crunchy Delight

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Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake is a beloved recipe. With its mix of ripe bananas and crunchy walnuts, it has charmed many. This cake is perfect for any time of day, offering a burst of flavor.

The blend of sweet bananas and nuts makes this cake unique. It’s both fulfilling and light, thanks to the moist sponge. Each bite is a joy, perfect for dessert or a snack.

This cake’s simplicity adds to its charm. You just need basic ingredients like bananas, butter, and flour. Mixing them together is a breeze. Baking it turns your kitchen into a fragrant paradise.

It keeps well, too. Wrapped, it lasts 4 to 5 days at room temp. Refrigeration extends its life. And if you can’t eat it all soon, it freezes beautifully for later treats.

Ready for something special? Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake is a sure winner. Its delightful mix of tastes and textures will win over your heart. It’s a standout in the world of desserts.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake, gather a few common ingredients. You’ll need ripe bananas, unsalted butter, caster sugar, eggs, milk, plain flour, baking powder, and chopped walnuts if you like.

First, mash the bananas until they’re creamy. In a different bowl, mix the softened butter, sugar, eggs, and a bit of milk. Stir until smooth.

Mix the flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add this mix slowly to the wet mix. You want a smooth batter.

Now, for added taste and texture, gently stir in the walnuts. Make sure they’re well spread in the batter.

Then, pour the batter into a greased loaf pan. Bake it until it’s golden and a skewer comes out clean. This shows it’s ready.

Next, let the cake cool in the pan for a bit. Then, move it to a wire rack to cool completely. Finally, cut into slices and enjoy your cake!

Storage and Tips

After baking Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake, storing it right keeps it tasty. This cake can stay fresh on the counter for 4 to 5 days. Wrap it in plastic wrap to keep moisture in. Enjoy a slice anytime.

Want it to last longer? Save it in the fridge for a few more days. But, the cake might get a bit dry in the fridge. To prevent this, wrap it very well with plastic wrap.

For longer storage, freeze the cake for up to 3 months. First, wrap it in plastic wrap. Then, put it in a container that’s okay for the freezer. Thaw it on the counter or warm in the oven for a tasty treat any time.

Here are tips for making the best Banana and Walnut Cake. Use ripe bananas for the best taste. Always measure the flour correctly for the perfect texture. Be careful not to mix the batter too much. Mixing too much can make the cake heavy. Finally, check if it’s done a little before the cooking time is up. This way, your cake will be perfectly baked.


Can I use regular sugar instead of caster sugar for Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake?

Yes, you can swap out caster sugar for granulated sugar in this recipe.

Can I add more walnuts to the cake?

Adding more chopped walnuts to the batter is fine. It makes the cake nuttier and more textured.

How long does Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake stay fresh?

Wrapped in plastic at room temp, it stays good for 4 to 5 days.

Can I refrigerate the cake?

You can refrigerate it, but it might get a bit dry after a couple of days.

Can I freeze Mary Berry’s Banana and Walnut Cake?

Definitely! It freezes well for up to 3 months. Wrap slices and store in a freezer container.

How do I thaw the frozen cake?

To thaw, leave it at room temp or gently warm in the oven until ready.

What can I do to make the cake extra moist and flavorful?

Ripe bananas make it sweeter and tastier. Be sure to mash them well for the batter.

How important is it to measure the flour accurately?

It’s key for the cake’s texture. Use a scale or spoon to accurately measure your flour.

Should I mix the batter excessively?

Don’t overmix to avoid a dense cake. Combine the ingredients until just mixed together.

How do I know if the cake is fully cooked?

Test with a toothpick or skewer. If it comes out clean or with a few crumbs, the cake is done.

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