oreo trifle dessert recipes

Oreo Obsession: Irresistible Trifle Dessert Recipes

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Dive into our tempting Oreo trifle dessert recipes. They’re the perfect mix of creamy and crunchy. Your taste buds will thank you.

Imagine rich chocolate ganache and cocoa fudgy brownies. Or fluffy Oreo cheesecake and luscious whipped cream layers. These trifles make chocolate lovers’ dreams come true.

Looking for a classic Oreo trifle or something new like peppermint candy or strawberries? We’ve got just the thing for you.

OMG Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake Brownie Trifle

This amazing trifle is filled with everyone’s favourite Oreo cookies, creamy cheesecake, and rich chocolate ganache. The layers of cocoa brownies and whipped cream make it irresistible. Everyone will want another serving. You can even change the cookies for a new taste. It’s great for any special event or gathering.

Recipe Details

Oreo Cookies 24
Heavy Whipping Cream 7 cups (or 14 cups of Cool Whip)
Unsalted Butter 1 ½ cups
Sugar 2 cups
All-Purpose Flour 1 ½ cups
Chocolate Chips 1 ½ cups
Whipping Cream ⅓ to ½ cup
Cream Cheese 2 packages
Powdered Sugar 2/3 cup
Crumbled Oreos 24

Want to make this luxurious trifle? Visit The Baking Chocolatess for step-by-step recipe details.

Options for Brownie Layers

The recipe gives you a choice between boxed fudge brownies or making your own cocoa brownies. Pick the one that fits your time and taste.

With all the info you need, get ready to impress everyone with this delicious Oreo cheesecake brownie trifle. Have fun making it!

Tips and Variations for Oreo Cheesecake Brownie Trifle

For a lighter whipped cream topping, consider Cool Whip. It’s easy to use and still brings creaminess to your dessert.

Want more crunch in your trifle? Try adding crushed Oreos on top. The mix of smooth and crispy textures will delight you.

For a unique serve, use wine glasses or jam jars for individual trifles. It looks fancy and makes everyone feel special at parties. Everyone gets their own trifle, adding to the fun.

It’s best to prepare your trifle ahead and refrigerate it overnight. This lets the layers blend beautifully, creating a rich taste. Having it ready in advance also eases dessert planning. You can keep the trifle in the fridge for 3-4 days. This Oreo cheesecake brownie trifle is ideal for any celebration!


Can I use a store-bought whipped cream instead of homemade whipped cream?

Yes, you can choose Cool Whip for a lighter topping instead of making it at home.

How can I add a crunchy texture to the trifle?

For extra crunch, just sprinkle crushed Oreos on top before you serve it.

Can I make individual portions of the trifle?

Absolutely, use wine glasses or jam jars for making fun-sized individual trifles.

How far in advance can I make the trifle?

Making this trifle a day ahead is best. It lets the flavours come together well.

It can stay in the fridge for up to 3-4 days, covered. This makes it an easy dessert to prepare before time.

Is the trifle suitable for special occasions?

Definitely, the Oreo cheesecake brownie trifle is a hit for holidays or any special gatherings.


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