Rosemary Cheddar Scones

Savory Herb: Rosemary Cheddar Scones Recipe

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Try a new take on a British favourite with these tasty Rosemary Cheddar Scones. They’re bursting with flavour, perfect for brunch or a side. Use fresh rosemary and grated cheese for a superior taste.

To make these delicious scones, start by mixing flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar. Cut in cold butter until it looks like coarse crumbs. Mix in grated cheese and chopped rosemary for an extra flavourful bite. Use cream or half-and-half to bring the dough together.

Shape the dough into a disk and cut it into wedges. Bake the scones until they’re golden-brown, resulting in a soft, crumbly texture.

Store the scones in the fridge for a few days and enjoy them whenever you like. You can also freeze them for later. They’re versatile and sure to become a favourite in your kitchen.

How to Make Rosemary Cheddar Scones

To make these tasty rosemary cheddar scones, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Start by getting your oven hot to the right temperature. Put your baking sheet in the middle of the oven to be ready.
  2. In a big bowl, mix 2 cups of all-purpose flour, ½ teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking powder, and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Make sure all the dry stuff is mixed well.
  3. Then, put 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter into the flour. Chop the butter into small bits and blend it with the flour until it looks like coarse crumbs.
  4. Now, add the main parts – 1½ cups of grated cheddar and ⅓-1/2 cup of fresh rosemary, chopped. Make sure they’re mixed in nicely.
  5. Pour in ¾ cup + 2 tablespoons of cream, just enough to make the dough stick together. Stir it gently until it starts to form a dough. Try not to mix it too much.
  6. Put the rough dough on a surface with a bit of flour. Gently knead it a few times until it’s all sticking together.
  7. Press the dough into a flat round, about 1 inch thick. Cut it into wedges or shapes you like, making sure they’re about the same size.
  8. Place the scones on the hot baking sheet, leaving space between them for even cooking.
  9. If you like, brush the tops with a bit more cream for a golden look.
  10. Pop them in the oven for 22 to 24 minutes, or 20 minutes if you’re using convection. Watch them so they don’t get too brown.
  11. Once baked, take them out and let them cool a bit on a wire rack. They’re best enjoyed warm or at room temperature.

Now you know how to bake rosemary cheddar scones. It’s time to get the ingredients and start baking! These savoury snacks are great for breakfast, brunch, or as part of any meal. You’ll love the smell of rosemary and the cheesy taste with each bite. Impress everyone with these homemade scones!

Tips and Variations for Rosemary Cheddar Scones

Boost the taste of your rosemary cheddar scones with these simple tips and exciting twists. Choose freshly grated cheese over the pre-packaged kind for a richer flavour. This elevates each bite.

For light and flaky scones, handle the dough gently. Don’t over-knead. Quickly mix the ingredients. Remember, gentle handling means delicious scones.

Prepare your scones ahead for convenience. Freeze the dough or store baked scones for later. To freeze the dough, first place the cuts on a tray. Freeze them solid, then pop them into a sealed container. For baked scones, wrap each tightly in plastic. Freeze them. To serve, just thaw and warm them up. This way, you enjoy warm scones anytime.

Try new things with the basic scone recipe for fun. Add exciting ingredients like bacon, diced apple, or jalapeño. Each adds a special taste. Feel free to try other cheeses like brie or mozzarella. Get creative with the recipe and enjoy!


Can I use pre-packaged grated cheese instead of freshly grated cheese?

Freshly grated cheese tastes better. Yet, pre-packaged grated cheese is okay if needed.

Can I freeze the unbaked dough of the rosemary cheddar scones?

Yes, you can freeze the dough. First, put the scones on a baking sheet and freeze. Then, keep them in an airtight container. Bake them after thawing according to the instructions.

How long can I store the rosemary cheddar scones?

In the fridge, the scones last several days. For longer storage, freeze the baked scones.

Wrap them well in plastic and freeze. Thaw and reheat before enjoying.

Can I customize the rosemary cheddar scone recipe?

Certainly! Feel free to add your twist. Choose from bacon, apples, jalapeños, or sun-dried tomatoes. Different cheeses like brie or mozzarella also work great.

Can I make the rosemary cheddar scones ahead of time?

Sure, prepare the scones in advance. For the unbaked dough, freeze on a baking sheet then store in an airtight box.

For baked scones, wrap and freeze. Thaw and reheat when ready to eat.


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