Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream Recipe

Tart and Creamy: Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream Recipe

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This lemon cheesecake ice cream recipe blends tangy lemon with silky cheesecake. It’s made with fresh lemons, cream cheese, and crumbled graham crackers. This combo creates a tart and creamy delight, ideal for summer indulgence.

The recipe follows David Lebovitz’s advice from The Perfect Scoop. It uses milk and cornstarch instead of a custard base. This makes the ice cream refreshing, creamy, and tart. It’s less in cholesterol and fat. Adding cream cheese and using an ice cream maker, this dessert is a standout.

Experience the divine mix of creamy cheesecake and tangy lemon in this ice cream recipe. It features fresh local lemons that make every spoonful burst with vibrant flavors. Cream cheese adds velvety richness, and graham cracker brings a nice crunch. This lemon cheesecake ice cream is your dream treat for a hot day.

How to Make Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream

Are you looking for a refreshing and tangy treat? Why not make your own Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream. It blends the sharp taste of lemon with cheesecake’s creamy richness. It has impressed many, scoring 4.88 out of 8 votes.

The whole preparation takes just 10 minutes, not including 3 hours of freezing. Time to check the ingredients and get ready for a creamy, lemon treat.

Ingredients Servings
Heavy cream 6-8 people
Whole milk
Lemon juice
Cream cheese
Sweetened condensed milk
Vanilla extract

To whip up this treat, blend the cream, milk, lemon juice, cream cheese, condensed milk, and vanilla. Use a blender until it’s thick and fluffy.

If you have an ice cream maker, there’s another way to prepare it. Just freeze the mix in your ice cream maker by following what the manufacturer says.

This yummy recipe was first shared on September 4, 2015, by Manila Spoon. Its simple yet divine mix of tastes keeps it popular.

Now, you’re all set to make it yourself! Have fun making this homemade Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream. Savour each creamy, tangy bite.

For more details on the recipe, visit Manila Spoon’s blog post here: https://www.manilaspoon.com/no-churn-lemon-cheesecake-ice-cream/.

The Perfect Summer Treat

This Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream is the best choice for a summer treat. It perfectly mixes creamy ice cream with the fresh taste of lemons. This creates a wonderful flavor burst that leaves you wanting more. Each spoonful is a dreamy mix of tangy and sweet.

The ice cream is unique because it has graham cracker crumbs. These crumbs bring a buttery crunch to the smooth ice cream. Every bite feels like a cool summer’s breeze. It is the ideal dessert to cool you off on a warm day and make you happy.

Enjoy it at a summer party or on your own for a treat. This Lemon Cheesecake Ice Cream is sure to impress everyone. Get yourself a bowl or a cone. Enjoy the lovely mix of tangy lemon and smooth cheesecake in every bite. It’s a summer experience you’ll always remember.


How long does it take to make lemon cheesecake ice cream?

Making lemon cheesecake ice cream takes about 4 hours. This time includes chilling and freezing.

Can I make lemon cheesecake ice cream without an ice cream maker?

Yes, you don’t need an ice cream maker. Mix the milk and cream cheese, then freeze in a shallow container. Stir every 30 minutes with a fork to break ice crystals until it’s just right.

Can I substitute the graham cracker crumbs with another type of cookie?

Certainly, for a different taste or texture, feel free to use crushed vanilla wafers, chocolate biscuits, or shortbread instead of graham crackers.

How long can I store lemon cheesecake ice cream in the freezer?

You can keep lemon cheesecake ice cream in the freezer for 2 months in a sealed container. But, it’s best eaten within the first month for the freshest taste and texture.

Can I use bottled lemon juice instead of freshly squeezed lemon juice?

Bottled lemon juice works if fresh isn’t available. Make sure it’s 100% pure lemon juice, with no sugars or preservatives added.


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