Banana Cake with Coffee

Unique Banana Cake with Coffee: A Flavorful Twist

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Tired of the usual banana cake? Want something new and exciting? Our banana cake with coffee is just what you need. It marries the sweetness of ripe bananas with bold espresso flavors. This cake will make you want more with every bite.

This cake shines with its coffee icing. The creamy, rich coffee frosting enhances the banana bread’s taste. It’s perfect for both coffee fans and banana lovers. You won’t be able to resist this delightful combo.

This banana cake is a true standout, made with the best ingredients. Mixing espresso into the batter makes it both moist and tasty. The flavor depth from bananas and espresso is amazing.

We’ve made it even more tempting with cream cheese frosting. Its creaminess and tang blend wonderfully with the cake. Each mouthful is a taste of heaven.

Our banana cake with coffee is more than a sweet treat; it’s a masterpiece. Perfect for special moments or whenever you want something special. Embark on a journey of flavors with this amazing cake. Enjoy the goodness with loved ones today.

How to Make Banana Coffee Cake: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making a great banana coffee cake is fun and easy. This guide shows you how to bake a moist and tasty cake. It has both the goodness of ripe bananas and the deep flavor of coffee. Let’s start baking!

Gather Your Ingredients

To start, gather these ingredients:

Ingredients Quantity
Ripe bananas (mashed) 2 cups
Eggs 2
Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Sour cream 1 cup
All-purpose flour 2 cups
Baking powder 1 teaspoon
Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon
Cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon

Step 1: Mashing the Ripe Bananas

Firstly, peel and mash the bananas in a bowl. They should be very ripe for the best taste. Use a fork to make them smooth and creamy.

Step 2: Mixing the Wet Ingredients

Next, beat the eggs and vanilla extract in a bowl. Then, mix in the mashed bananas and sour cream. Blend everything until it’s smooth.

Step 3: Combining the Dry Ingredients

In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. This mix makes your cake light and soft.

Step 4: Incorporating the Dry Ingredients

Add the dry mix slowly to the wet mix. Stir gently until everything is just mixed. A few lumps are okay. Don’t overmix it.

Step 5: Preparing the Streusel Topping

For the topping, mix butter, flour, brown sugar, white sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a bowl. Mix until crumbly.

Step 6: Assembling and Baking

Put the cake batter in a greased pan. Sprinkle the streusel on top. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 45-50 minutes. It’s ready when a toothpick comes out clean.

Once it’s baked, let the cake cool. The smell of bananas and cinnamon will make everyone want a piece. It’s great with coffee or as a dessert any time.


Wrapping up our journey with banana coffee cake shows us the magic that occurs. Delicious streusel on top meets overripe bananas, creating this moist, tasty cake. It proves simple ingredients can make something truly special.

The streusel topping adds a crunchy sweetness, taking the cake to new levels. Adding a glaze after it cools offers an indulgent finish. This takes an already great cake and makes it even better.

Storing this cake is easy. It can sit at room temperature for several days and still taste fresh. You can also refrigerate it for a bit longer, up to five days, and enjoy it slowly.

This cake is perfect for many occasions, like preparing breakfast ahead, as a brunch star, or for a treat any time. It combines flavors and textures in a way that impresses. Treat yourself with this delightful cake!


Can I omit the coffee cream cheese frosting?

Yes, you can leave out the coffee cream cheese frosting and it’s still yummy. The cake will be tasty without the coffee flavor too.

Can I substitute any of the ingredients in the banana coffee cake recipe?

Yes, feel free to swap ingredients if you like. You could use gluten-free flour or Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. This is fine for a different taste or for dietary needs.

How long can I store the banana coffee cake?

You can keep the cake at room temp for a few days. Or, refrigerate it for up to five days. Always keep it in a closed container to keep it fresh.

Can I add a glaze to the banana coffee cake?

Adding a glaze is a good idea for extra sweetness. **To make the glaze,** mix powdered sugar with milk or lemon juice until smooth.

Is banana coffee cake suitable for make-ahead meals?

Yes, it’s perfect for making ahead of time. Make it the night before and it’s ready for breakfast or brunch the next day, easy peasy.

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