green jacket salad recipe

Unique Green Jacket Salad Recipe

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The Masters Famous Green Jacket Salad came from the Green Jacket Restaurant in Augusta, Georgia. It’s well-loved for its crisp taste. And it stands out at the Masters golf tournament.

This dish is famous in Augusta and loved for its simple, tasty ingredients. The Green Jacket Salad is a favorite among salad fans. It uses fresh romaine or iceberg lettuce for crunch. Green onions and parsley add flavor, while tomatoes bring sweetness.

What makes it special is the toasted pita chips. These can be bought or made by baking pita bread. They add a fun crunch.

The homemade dressing is the star. It mixes olive oil, red wine vinegar, seasoned salt, and oregano. This dressing ties together the lettuce and tomatoes beautifully.

You can have this salad as a side or a main meal. It goes well with grilled chicken, steak, soups, sandwiches, and pizza.

Though the Green Jacket restaurant has closed, its salad recipe remains. Places like Rae’s Coastal CafĆ© in Augusta still serve a version of it.

In essence, the Green Jacket Salad celebrates Augusta’s rich food culture. Its ingredients work together to please anyone who tries it. Whether you love the Masters tournament or just enjoy good food, this salad is worth trying.

green jacket salad recipefamous Masters Green Jacket SaladAugusta’s most famous recipes

The History of the Masters Golf Tournament

The Masters golf tournament is held each year at National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. It’s known for tradition and is a key event in golf.

Since 1934, the Masters has displayed legendary golfers and thrilled fans. Its courses challenge players against a beautiful setting. Hills, magnolia trees, and azaleas backdrop the competition.

Its iconic green jacket symbolises excellence. Given to winners, it’s a sought-after golf prize. The green jacket tradition started in 1949, identifying Augusta National Golf Club members. It now marks prestige for Masters champions.

The club’s creation involved golf architect Alister MacKenzie and golfer Bobby Jones. Hosting the Masters since the beginning, the club has seen many upgrades to stay top-notch.

The Masters has had memorable moments and grand skill displays. It’s among golf’s grandest events. Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods have made comeback stories here.

Now, top golfers worldwide aim for the green jacket and history’s pages. Its tradition, stunning scenes, and tough competition make the Masters a golfing highlight.

The Green Jacket Restaurant

The Green Jacket Restaurant was in Augusta, Georgia. Golfers and fans loved it for its amazing food and friendly atmosphere. Right across from the Augusta National Golf Club, it was a hit with golf lovers.

The famous Green Jacket Salad was a highlight. Made with fresh ingredients and a special mix of tastes, it was well-loved. This salad became a big part of the restaurant’s fame.

People visited not just for the food but to soak up golf history too. The walls were full of golf photos and memories. It was like stepping back in time, surrounded by legends of the sport.

But, in the mid-90s, the restaurant closed. It left behind lots of happy memories. Now, there are rumors it might return, bringing back its special charm to new cities.

The original place may be gone, but its spirit is still with those who remember it. Hopefully, golf fans will get to enjoy the Green Jacket Salad again. Maybe they’ll re-experience the magic of this special place.

Location Cuisine Ambiance Specialty
Augusta, Georgia Eclectic, fusion Warm, inviting Green Jacket Salad

Ingredients and Preparation

To whip up the Green Jacket Salad, gather these simple, fresh ingredients:

  • Romaine lettuce or iceberg lettuce
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Green onions
  • Parsley
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Pita chips

Here’s how you put it all together:

  1. Start by washing and drying the lettuce. Then tear it into small pieces for the bowl.
  2. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Chop the green onions and parsley finely, and add them to the lettuce.
  3. Over the salad, sprinkle Parmesan cheese. It adds creaminess and flavour.
  4. Mix everything gently until it’s all evenly combined.

Next, let’s talk dressing. For the Green Jacket Salad dressing, grab:

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of seasoned salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano

In a wee bowl, mix the olive oil, red wine vinegar, seasoned salt, and dried oregano. It creates a tangy dressing that enhances the salad’s freshness.

For a fun crunch, add pita chips. Break them into small pieces and scatter them over the salad. They bring texture and a burst of flavour.

All that’s left is to pour the dressing over the salad and mix well. You’ll end up with a colourful, wholesome salad. It embodies the Masters Tournament’s spirit and the prestigious Green Jacket.

Knowing how to prepare it, we can look at serving tips for the Green Jacket Salad.

Serving Suggestions

The Green Jacket Salad goes well with many dishes. It’s perfect with grilled steak or chicken. It’s also great with soups and sandwiches. This salad fits any meal – lunch, brunch, or dinner.

It’s a hit at potlucks, picnics, or Masters viewing parties. Everyone loves it.

salad serving suggestions

Meal Pairings

The salad’s fresh taste complements the richness of steak or chicken. It adds a refreshing touch. Together, they balance each other perfectly.

Paired with soup, the Green Jacket Salad offers a crunchy contrast. It makes the meal satisfying and complete.

As a side with sandwiches, this salad brings freshness and color. It suits a classic BLT, a chicken club, or a veggie option perfectly.

Event Ideas

Enjoy the Green Jacket Salad at different events. Here are some ideas:

  • Outdoor Picnic: Take the salad in portable containers for a meal in nature with loved ones.
  • Masters Viewing Party: Serve it at a golf-themed party to celebrate the Masters Tournament.
  • Potluck Dinner: Impress at a potluck with this unique and tasty salad. It sparks conversation!

Tips for Presentation

Make your Green Jacket Salad look as good as it tastes. Here’s how:

  1. Colorful Plating: Arrange it with a variety of greens, veggies, and textures.
  2. Garnish with Herbs: Sprinkle fresh herbs like basil or parsley to add beauty and flavor.
  3. Use Specialty Bowls: Specialty bowls enhance the dining experience, especially for special occasions.
Meal Pairings Event Ideas Tips for Presentation
Grilled steak or chicken Outdoor Picnic Colorful Plating
Soups Masters Viewing Party Garnish with Herbs
Sandwiches Potluck Dinner Use Specialty Bowls

How to Make Green Jacket Salad Dressing

To make the Green Jacket Salad dressing, gather olive oil, red wine vinegar, seasoned salt, and dried oregano. Mix them together in a small bowl until they’re well blended. You can prepare this dressing beforehand and keep it chilled.

“The Green Jacket Salad dressing is a simple yet essential component of this iconic dish. The combination of the rich olive oil and tangy red wine vinegar creates a harmonious blend that elevates the flavors of the salad. The addition of seasoned salt imparts a savory taste, while the dried oregano provides a subtle hint of herbal freshness.”

You can tweak the dressing to match what you like. Add a bit of fresh lemon juice for a citrus kick or some honey for sweetness. Play around with the ingredient amounts to get the taste you prefer. This dressing, whether used liberally or sparingly, will make your Green Jacket Salad better.

Pro-tip: For the best taste, let the dressing blend for at least 30 minutes before you use it. This waiting time lets the flavours mix well. Enjoy your Green Jacket Salad with this dressing and cherish each bite of this beloved dish.

Ingredients Measurement
Olive oil 1/4 cup
Red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons
Seasoned salt 1/2 teaspoon
Dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon

Tips and Variations

Want to put your own spin on the Green Jacket Salad recipe? Here are tips and variations for a delicious twist:

Tips for Making the Perfect Green Jacket Salad:

  • Choose fresh, high-quality ingredients for the best flavour.
  • Wash and dry the greens well for a crisp salad.
  • Pick firm Granny Smith apples for a tangy punch.
  • Toast the pepitas or chopped pecans to bring out their flavour.
  • Crumbled chilled goat cheese adds a creamy, tangy touch.
  • Mix olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, Dijon mustard, and salt for a tasty dressing.
  • Add the dressing just before serving to keep the salad fresh.

Variations to Explore:

Feel free to try these ideas and make the Green Jacket Salad your own:

  • Add fennel bulbs or toasted almonds for extra crunch.
  • Pomegranate seeds or raisins will sweeten the salad.
  • Add sliced jalapeƱos or a bit of cayenne pepper for heat.
  • Grilled chicken, shrimp, or chickpeas can boost the protein.
  • Try feta or Parmesan cheese for a different flavour.

With these tips and variations, you can create a personal Green Jacket Salad. Have fun with this classic recipe!

Looking for more salad inspiration? Check out these great recipes:

Favorite Green Salad with Apples, Cranberries, and

Green Goddess Salad

Green Goddess Salad


The Masters Famous Green Jacket Salad is a key part of Augusta’s food history. This salad blends fresh tastes with the excitement of the Masters golf event. It’s perfect for any party because of its crispness and bold flavours.

Making this salad at home brings Augusta’s top cooking right to your table. Select ingredients and careful preparation make every mouthful a fresh feast.

If you love the Masters or just enjoy a good salad, try the Masters Famous Green Jacket Salad. It’s a tasty nod to Augusta’s culinary scene. Just mix your greens with the tasty dressing and enjoy a champion’s meal.


What is the origin of the Green Jacket Salad?

It started at the Green Jacket Restaurant in Augusta, Georgia.

Why is the Masters Famous Green Jacket Salad famous?

It’s celebrated for its zesty flavors. It’s a top dish in Augusta.

Where can I find the original recipe for the Green Jacket Salad?

Check the Junior League of Augusta Georgia’s “Par 3 Tea-time at the Masters” cookbook.

What are the main ingredients for Green Jacket Salad?

Ingredients involve romaine or iceberg lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and green onions. Also, parsley, parmesan cheese, and pita chips.

What dishes does the Green Jacket Salad pair well with?

It’s great with grilled steak or chicken. Also, complements soups and sandwiches well.

How do I make the Green Jacket Salad dressing?

Mix olive oil, red wine vinegar, seasoned salt, and oregano in a bowl.

Can I customize the Green Jacket Salad?

Definitely! Add any veggies or proteins you like.

Are there any substitutes for Shoney’s Big Boy Seasoning?

Lawry’s seasoned salt works well instead of Shoney’s Big Boy Seasoning.


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