green goddess salad recipe tiktok

Viral Green Goddess Salad Recipe from TikTok

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The green goddess salad recipe is all over TikTok, catching everyone’s attention. It’s a new take on the classic, with a creamy vegan dressing and lots of chopped veggies. This recipe stands out for its tasty flavor and bright looks.

What is a Green Goddess Salad?

A green goddess salad is a salad mixed with green goddess dressing. The original recipe came from San Francisco. It includes things like anchovies, green onions, parsley, tarragon, mayo, sour cream, and chives. They’re blended into a creamy and tangy dressing. This recipe, though, uses a vegan version of the dressing. It leaves out the anchovies, mayo, and sour cream. Instead, it uses chives, green onions, basil, spinach, nuts, and nutritional yeast. This creates a herby, fresh, and slightly tangy dressing.

The salad is mainly made of finely chopped cabbage, cucumbers, and green onions. It ends up having a texture similar to finely chopped coleslaw. You can add different ingredients to make it suit your taste.

The green goddess salad is great as a simple side or a big main dish. Its bright colors and fresh taste are always popular. The mix of crunchy veggies and creamy dressing is perfect for any meal or by itself.

Now, let’s learn how to make the green goddess dressing that makes this salad so special.

How to Make the Green Goddess Dressing

Making the perfect green goddess dressing is simple. It blends basil and spinach’s freshness with walnuts’ nuttiness and lemon juice’s tang. It creates a creamy dressing that boosts any salad.

For this dressing, you’ll need certain ingredients:

  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil
  • Rice vinegar
  • Shallot
  • Garlic
  • Basil
  • Spinach
  • Nutritional yeast
  • Walnuts
  • Salt

Begin by adding all ingredients to a blender or food processor. Blend until everything is smooth and creamy. This dressing’s vibrant green colour makes your salad both look and taste great.

It’s a bit like vegan pesto because of its herby, cheesy taste. It puts a flavour-packed twist on your salad.

You can make this dressing in advance and keep it in the fridge. It stays fresh for up to 3 days. This way, you have delicious, creamy dressing ready whenever you want.

So, why go for store-bought when you can make this tasty and healthy green goddess dressing at home?

Green Goddess Dressing

A table of the ingredients for Green Goddess Dressing:

Ingredients Quantity
Lemon juice 2 tablespoons
Olive oil ¼ cup
Rice vinegar 2 tablespoons
Shallot 1 small, chopped
Garlic 2 cloves
Basil ½ cup, packed
Spinach ½ cup, packed
Nutritional yeast 2 tablespoons
Walnuts ¼ cup
Salt ½ teaspoon

Ingredients and Assembly of the Green Goddess Salad

The Green Goddess Salad is full of nutritious ingredients. It’s a dish that’s as tasty as it is healthy. The salad blends diced vegetables with a tasty dressing for a burst of flavor. Let’s look at what goes into making this delicious dish.


Here’s what you need for the Green Goddess Salad:

  • 1 small cabbage head
  • 4 Persian cucumbers
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • ¼ cup of chives

The veggies are the heart of the salad. They add crunch and color.


Ready to put it all together? Here’s how:

  1. Chop the cabbage, cucumbers, green onions, and chives finely. This helps mix the flavors in every bite.
  2. Put all the chopped veggies in a big bowl.
  3. Make the Green Goddess Dressing using this recipe: It’s creamy and full of herbs, perfect with the veggies.
  4. Drizzle the dressing over the veggies in the bowl. Stir well to coat everything with the dressing.

This makes a colorful and nutritious Green Goddess Salad. Enjoy it by itself, or add your preferred proteins or sides. It’s easy to tailor it to your liking.

Want more protein? Add crispy bacon, chicken breast, or firm tofu. If you’re not vegan, try adding parmesan for a savoury touch.

The Green Goddess Salad is healthy and looks great too. Try it over tacos, with pita chips, or with your favourite dips and salsa. It’s versatile and delicious.

Variations and Serving Suggestions

One wonderful thing about the green goddess salad is how you can change it up. You can tweak it to fit what you like. Here are some easy changes to keep it interesting:

  • Add some protein: Boost your salad’s nutrients by including some protein. Think about crispy bacon, diced chicken, or tofu. It makes the salad filling.
  • Get nutty: Adding toasted sesame seeds brings a crunch and nutty taste. It enhances the salad’s flavor and texture.
  • Spice it up: For those who like it hot, try adding jalapeños and green pepper. They add a nice kick to the creamy dressing.
  • Go guacamole style: Make it like guacamole by adding avocados and lime juice. This gives the salad a zesty flavor.
  • Super green goodness: Mix in Brussels sprouts, spinach, and kale. You’ll get a salad full of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Tutorial-inspired: Make a taco-themed salad by using lettuce instead of cabbage. Add cojita cheese and onions for extra taste.

These ideas are just the start. You can add different veggies, herbs, and extras to make it your own. Feel free to try out new combinations.

Looking for more ideas? Check these recipes out:

  1. TikTok Green Goddess Salad Recipe
  2. Baked by Melissa – Savory Recipes – Green Goddess
  3. Hispana Global – Foolproof TikTok Green Goddess Salad

So, mix it up and enjoy making your own version of the green goddess salad!


The green goddess salad is a big hit on TikTok. Its bright colors and tasty flavors have won hearts worldwide. The vegan dressing makes it even more appealing by adding freshness and tang to the veggies. It’s a healthy and filling choice for many.

This salad is unique because it’s flexible. You can tweak it to match what you like, making it perfect for any event. Enjoy it by itself, as a filling, or alongside other dishes. The green goddess salad is a great addition to any meal.

Why not try this popular dish? Join the TikTok crowd and taste the green goddess salad. See why it’s a favorite for many. You’ll love the freshness, flavors, and health benefits. Add it to your favorite meals and enjoy its deliciousness over and over.


What is a Green Goddess Salad?

A Green Goddess Salad has a special dressing that’s vegan. It’s made with chives, green onions, basil, spinach, nuts, and nutritional yeast. The salad mainly includes diced cabbage, cucumbers, and green onions. It has a coleslaw-like texture. You can add various ingredients to make it your own.

How do you make the Green Goddess Dressing?

Making the dressing requires lemon juice, olive oil, rice vinegar, shallot, garlic, basil, spinach, nutritional yeast, walnuts, and salt. Blend these until smooth. This makes a green, creamy dressing that’s a bit cheesy from the nutritional yeast. You can keep it in the fridge for up to three days.

What are the ingredients and assembly of the Green Goddess Salad?

For the salad, you need finely diced cabbage, Persian cucumbers, green onions, and chives. Cut the veggies into small pieces, like a coleslaw, and mix in a large bowl. Then, add the dressing. Mix well to coat everything with the creamy dressing.

What are the variations and serving suggestions for the Green Goddess Salad?

You can add crispy bacon, diced chicken, or crumbled tofu for protein. Toasted sesame seeds give a nutty touch. For a spicy salad, use diced jalapeños and green pepper. Or, make a guacamole version with diced avocados and lime juice. Enjoy it by itself, as a filling, or with other dishes.

What makes the Green Goddess Salad a viral recipe from TikTok?

Its fame on TikTok comes from its vibrant look, tasty flavours, and simple prep. The creamy vegan dressing brings a fresh, tangy taste to the chopped veggies. It’s a filling and healthy choice. Plus, you can tweak the recipe to suit what you like.


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