Recipe for Cherry Madeira Cake

Authentic Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe for a Rich Dessert

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Ever wish you could find a dessert that’s both rich and sweet? Stop the search! Our Cherry Madeira Cake is the answer. Based on a family recipe, it brings a moist, tasty cake with a cherry kick. You’ll want more after the first slice.

This recipe makes 8-10 slices. It’s perfect for sharing or enjoying by yourself.

The secret to this cake? Great ingredients! You’ll need butter, sugar, lemon, eggs, and flour. Each part makes the cake taste just right.

It’s really simple to make. Start by blending the butter and sugar. Add the lemon and eggs. Then, mix in the flours and lemon juice. It’s ready to bake!

Bake the cake at 170ºC. It takes about an hour. Let it cool before taking it out of the mold.

Our cake is a classic. But you can try new things. Add caraway seeds for a seed cake. Or, use lemon and poppyseeds for a twist.

After baking, you can keep the cake for a week in a tin. Or freeze it for up to 3 months. Then, slice off a piece whenever you want a treat.

We’ll dive into the story of Cherry Madeira Cake soon. Plus, we’ll share more cherry cake ideas. Get ready for cakes that celebrate cherries and flavors!

The Story Behind the Name “Cherry Madeira Cake”

Cherry Madeira Cake gets its name from a historical tradition. It did not come from the Madeira Islands. This cake became popular in England during the 19th century. It was often enjoyed with glasses of fortified wine.

The name “Madeira” in Cherry Madeira Cake points to the tradition of pairing it with Madeira wine. However, even without the wine, the name sticks. This shows the deep cultural roots and history of the cake.

“The sinking of cherries is a common issue in cherry cakes, and tips are given on how to prevent sinking, such as washing and drying the cherries before adding them to the batter and rolling them in flour.”

Another take on Cherry Madeira Cake adds a special twist. This unique recipe change creates a different taste and experience. It shows how the original Cherry Madeira Cake recipe can lead to new and creative desserts.

The Tradition and Legacy

“Cherry Madeira Cake is an iconic dessert that resonates with the rich culinary history of England. Its name, although not directly connected to Madeira wine, pays homage to the cultural traditions surrounding the cake.”

Learning about Cherry Madeira Cake’s name reveals more about this treat. It highlights the deep ties between food and culture. Thus, it shows how a simple cake can symbolize rich traditions.

Cherry Madeira Cake Recipe Variations
Cherry Madeira Cake with Caraway Seeds A variation that adds a hint of warmth and earthiness to the classic recipe
Cherry Madeira Cake with Lemon Juice and Poppyseeds A refreshing twist on the traditional cake, adding zesty citrus notes and delicate crunch

Other Cherry Cake Variations to Try

Looking to try something new besides Cherry Madeira Cake? There are many delicious cherry cake kinds to explore. For example, the classic cherry cake is quite similar but includes cherries and ground almonds. This makes it moist and adds a great texture.

If you make the classic cherry cake, try using dark or red cherries for a more colorful taste. Just watch out for cherries with artificial dyes. They can change how your cake looks. To keep it all natural, choose cherries without artificial colorant.

But that’s not all. You can try the Iced Cherry Cake, covered in a rich layer of icing. Or, check out Cherry Scones. These are buttery and filled with cherries, perfect for tea or breakfast.

Want something fresher? Make your Cherry Cake with fresh cherries instead of glace ones. The fresh cherries will give it a bright, juicy taste. It’s perfect for any time you want a sweet treat.

Freezing your cherry cake can keep it fresh for later. It’s a great way to have cake ready when you want it. And if you’re up for more baking, try an Easy Bakewell Tart or Chocolate Loaf Cake. There are so many amazing cherry cake recipes to enjoy!


How many slices does the Cherry Madeira Cake recipe yield?

You’ll get 8-10 slices from this recipe.

What are the ingredients required for the Cherry Madeira Cake?

You need unsalted butter, caster sugar, lemon zest, eggs, and more. Check the list for all.

What is the method to make the Cherry Madeira Cake?

Start by creaming butter and sugar. Then mix in lemon zest and eggs. Add in the flours and lemon juice before baking.

What temperature should the oven be preheated to for baking the Cherry Madeira Cake?

Preheat your oven to 170ºC/150ºC Fan/gas mark 3/325ºF.

How long should the Cherry Madeira Cake bake for?

Bake the cake for about 1 hour. It’s done when a cake-tester comes out clean.

Should the Cherry Madeira Cake cool in the tin before being turned out?

Yes, let the cake cool in the tin before turning it out.

Can the Cherry Madeira Cake be customized?

You can customize it with extra ingredients like caraway seeds or lemon juice and poppyseeds.

How long can the Cherry Madeira Cake be stored?

Store the cake airtight for up to a week. Or freeze it for up to 3 months.

Does the Cherry Madeira Cake contain Madeira wine?

The Cherry Madeira Cake does not contain Madeira wine, despite its name.

What is the origin of the name “Cherry Madeira Cake”?

The cake’s name links to enjoying it with Madeira wine, not its place of origin.

What are some other cherry cake variations to try?

Try variations like Iced Cherry Cake, Cherry Scones, and Fresh Cherry Cake with fresh cherries.

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