Cherry Cake Recipe UK

Best of British: Cherry Cake Recipe

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Welcome to a delicious dive into British baking, highlighting a timeless favorite, Cherry Cake. This cake skillfully blends the rich sweetness of cherries with a light sponge. It creates a taste experience perfect for a traditional British tea time.

The secret to the best cherry cakes is using quality fruit. We pick French Glacé Cherries for their exceptional taste and texture. They make this cake a luxury everyone can enjoy.

First, we create a sponge cake base with self-raising flour, butter, sugar, and zest of lemon. Almonds come in next, bringing a moist, rich feel, while eggs keep it light. The cherry on top, our glacé cherries, are treated and then mixed into the batter.

With the cake baked and ready, a refreshing lemon icing tops it off. A touch of toasted almonds and more cherries make it as beautiful as it is delicious.

Feel like you’re at a fancy tea or just want something special? This Cherry Cake Recipe is the answer. It captures the essence of British baking. Perfect for any celebration, it’s a sweet adventure waiting for you.

Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake Recipe

We’ll check out how to make Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake fit in a smaller savarin mould. This makes a perfect portion size and boosts the flavors. The cake gets even better with lemon zest and juice.

The base of Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake is a mix of self-raising flour, ground almonds, butter, and caster sugar. We add lots of lemon zest for a tangy kick.

“The lemon zest adds a delightful burst of flavor that perfectly complements the sweetness of the French Glacé Cherries,” says Mary Berry.

We then gently mix in eggs and the star ingredient, French Glacé Cherries. They’re prepared by cutting, rinsing, and dusting with flour. This keeps them from dropping in the cake. These cherries are full of color and sweet juice.

After baking, we cover the cake with a lemon drizzle icing. It’s made with icing sugar and lemon juice. This icing adds a sweet, tangy layer. Then, we add toasted almonds on top for crunch.

If you love tasty, moist cake, Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake is it.

The smaller mould makes the cake easy to manage. It bakes more evenly and looks great, too.

Treat Yourself to a Slice of Heaven

Enjoy a slice of Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake. It offers a moist texture, great taste, and a mix of lemon zest, cherries, and almonds. This recipe keeps the best parts of Mary Berry’s original in a handy size.

This cake is perfect for any event, tea, or just because. Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake is sure to charm everyone.

The Magic of Cherry Cake

Childhood stories bring us back to sweet memories. Enid Blyton crafted magical adventures in her books. Midnight feasts and perfect picnics were not just tales. They were filled with cherry cakes, a special delight.

Enid Blyton painted scenes of kids enjoying cherry cake vividly. This treat on their menu sparked our appetite. It reminded us of our own joyful, carefree days.

Imagine a cake rich with butter and glace cherries. Some cherries, as if by magic, sunk to the bottom while baking. The smell as it cooks is enchanting.

Once baked, the cake shines with a golden glaze. Red cherries dot the moist sponge, inviting us to indulge. Flaked almonds on top add a lovely crunch.

Childhood nostalgia

Eating cherry cake brings back heartwarming memories. We remember the joy in reading Enid Blyton’s stories. With each bite, we imagine we’re back in those adventures, reliving them as if new.

“The feast was nothing like the meals they had at home. There were piles of freshly baked bread, thickly spread with butter, plates of homemade cherry cakes, jugs of frothy ginger-beer, and even crisp lettuces for rabbit sandwiches….”

Cherry cake holds the key to childhood nostalgia. It takes us back to a time full of imagination. Making us dream of feasts and magical kingdoms, it’s more than just a dessert.

Bring Back the Magic

Would you like to bring back that magic? Cherry cake makes any gathering special. With each bite, feel the warmth of nostalgia. Allow it to take you on an adventure of memories.

Highlights of Cherry Cake: Notes:
Buttery and moist texture A result of the perfect blend of softened butter and delicate sponge
Sunken cherries Add an element of surprise and whimsy as they gently sink during baking
Toasted flaked almonds Provide a delightful crunch and complement the sweetness of the cherries

Rediscover the magic found in childhood books and their treats. Cherry cake offers more than sweets. It connects us to our happiest times, bringing joy from the past.

The Allure of Cherry Cake: A Slice of Nostalgia

Cherry cake has a special place in our hearts from childhood. It reminds us of reading adventurous stories by Enid Blyton. Back then, we imagined midnight feasts under the stars, cherry cake always the star.

This cake feels like those old tales – making us long for fun times. Its moist base, cherries inside, and crunchy almonds are familiar delights. They take us back to days without worries, days filled with joys of reading and playing.

Imagine enjoying a slice of cherry cake, feeling it whisk you to happy memories. Its flavors and smells can easily recreate those childhood adventures. So, whether sharing with friends outdoors or indoors, it’s a taste that always feels like coming home.


What is the recipe for Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake?

Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake recipe uses self-raising flour, butter, sugar, lemon zest, ground almonds, eggs, and glacé cherries. You rinse and dust the cherries with flour then add them to the mix. It’s baked and finished with lemon drizzle icing, toasted almonds, and more cherries.

How do I adapt Mary Berry’s Cherry Cake recipe?

To tweak the recipe, use a smaller savarin mould and include more lemon zest and juice. The batter uses self-raising flour, ground almonds, butter, sugar, lemon zest, eggs, and glacé cherries. Add quartered and rinsed cherries to the mix. Top with a lemon icing of icing sugar and lemon juice plus almonds.

What is the nostalgic appeal of cherry cake?

Cherry cake tastes like childhood, bringing memories of Enid Blyton novels with their exciting tales and eating adventures. It’s moist, with hints of cherry, perfect for dreams of picnics and secret midnight snacks. A sweet icing and toasted almonds make it even more tempting.

What makes cherry cake special?

Cherry cake is filled with joyful childhood memories, promising adventure. Embedded cherries and almonds in its moist base make it truly nostalgic. It connects with stories, like Enid Blyton’s, where foods like cherry cake spark magical feelings. Have a bite and relive your own special memories.

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