apple & banana cake

Combining Flavors: Apple & Banana Cake Recipe

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Try this lovely mix of apple and banana in a classic cake. It’s moist, sweet, and has a great texture. Ideal for any celebration or just as a treat.

This cake is full of fresh apple and banana. Yogurt and mashed banana make it sweet and soft. You won’t be able to stop at one slice.

Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg boost the apple taste. But, the caramel glaze is the real winner here. It makes the cake even more delightful.

Want to wow your guests or have a special dessert for yourself? This apple & banana cake is the answer. It’s big enough to share kisses with your loved ones during cozy moments.

Don’t wait. Grab the fall vibes, the awww of the classics. Follow the easy steps. Treat yourself to the joy of apple and banana, one slice at a time.

Ingredients and Preparation

Creating a yummy apple and banana cake is all about the right mix of ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need for this tasty treat:


To make the cake, have these ready:

  • – Melted butter
  • – Canola or vegetable oil
  • – Vanilla or plain yogurt
  • – Eggs
  • – Granulated sugar
  • – Light brown sugar
  • – Vanilla extract
  • – Cinnamon
  • – Ginger
  • – Pumpkin pie spice
  • – Nutmeg
  • – Ground cloves
  • – Mashed ripe bananas
  • – Finely diced apples
  • – All-purpose flour
  • – Baking soda
  • – Salt

Cake Preparation

Here’s how to prepare it:

  1. – Mix the butter, oil, yogurt, sugars, eggs, and spices with the mashed bananas. This makes a tasty batter.
  2. – Add the diced apples and mix gently to spread them out.
  3. – Slowly mix in the flour, soda, and salt. Stop when just mixed to keep your cake light.
  4. – Put the batter in a Bundt cake pan evenly.
  5. – Bake at 350F for 39 to 43 minutes. Test with a toothpick; it should come out clean. Oven times vary, so watch it close.

As the cake cools, whip up the special vanilla caramel glaze.

Vanilla Caramel Glaze

Making the glaze is easy and makes the cake extra special. Here’s the glaze recipe:

  1. – Melt butter, add sugar, and mix until smooth in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. – Let it boil gently, stirring for 2 minutes.
  3. – Take off the heat, then add cream and vanilla. Cream makes it rich.
  4. – Stir in confectioners’ sugar until it’s silky. It’s now the perfect glaze.

When the cake is fully cooled, pour this amazing glaze over it. It will top off your cake with a sweet, buttery taste. It pairs perfectly with the fruits in the cake.

You now hold the key to making this amazing cake. Enjoy the mix of apple and banana like never before.

Serving and Storage

After pouring the vanilla caramel glaze on the cake, let it sit a bit. This lets the glaze become a luscious, thick coating. Wait for this yummy transformation.

This cake isn’t just for eating by itself. Add some ice cream for a treat that’s out of this world. It’s perfect for a snack with a hot drink. Together, they make any day feel like a special occasion.

Keeping the cake fresh is easy if you store it properly. Just put it in an airtight container at room temperature. It will stay moist and tasty for 5 days, making your week a little sweeter.

Got extra glaze? Save it in the fridge for up to a month. Just warm it up before using again. This way, you don’t miss a chance to make something sweet.

Proper Cake Storage Guidelines

For a longer-lasting cake, remember these simple rules:

  • Store the cake in an airtight container to prevent it from getting dry.
  • Don’t put the cake in the fridge; it’s best at room temp.
  • Keep it cool, but away from sun and heat to avoid spoilage.

apple & banana cake

Shelf Life of Apple & Banana Cake

This cake’s shelf life is up to 5 days if stored properly. Keep it in an airtight container at room temperature. For the best taste, enjoy it soon after baking.

Remember, how long it lasts can change with the weather. Trust your senses to tell if it’s still good. Enjoy this special cake while it’s fresh and tasty.


This apple & banana cake is a delightful mix of flavors and textures. The cake is tender and moist, full of apple and banana goodness. The spices bring warmth and a deep flavor.

The vanilla caramel glaze makes this cake stand out. It’s buttery and full of caramely goodness. This takes the cake to a rich, luscious level that you’ll love.

This cake is perfect for fall. It uses seasonal apples beautifully. The mix of apple and banana adds a sweet, warm flavor to your kitchen.

Why not enjoy some of this tasty cake now? It’s great by itself or with ice cream. This cake will be a hit at parties or as a cozy family treat. Try it and see!


What is the flavor profile of the apple & banana cake?

The apple & banana cake offers a sweet mix. It blends fresh apples and ripe bananas with spices like cinnamon. These make the apple taste richer and the cake feels warmer.

How is the apple & banana cake prepared?

Mix melted butter, oil, yogurt, sugar, eggs, and spices for the batter. Add bananas and diced apples. Then, mix them with flour. Bake the batter in a Bundt cake pan at 350F for 39 to 43 minutes.

How is the vanilla caramel glaze made?

First, melt butter and brown sugar. Then, boil them and add cream and vanilla. Slowly mix in confectioners’ sugar until the glaze is right. Finally, pour it over the cake.

How should the apple & banana cake be served?

After adding the glaze, wait a bit for it to set. Then, slice and serve the cake. It’s great alone or with ice cream. Enjoy it for dessert or with tea or coffee.

How should the leftover cake and glaze be stored?

Keep the leftover cake in an airtight place for up to 5 days. The glaze can last for a month in the fridge. Reheat it gently before using again.

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