Osmania Cookies Recipe

Exotic Bite: Osmania Cookies Recipe

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Osmania cookies are famous in Hyderabad, India, and known as Karachi bakery biscuits too. They were named for Mir Osman Ali Khan, Hyderabad’s last ruler. These cookies stand out with their unique blend of saffron milk, custard and cardamom powders, and baking powder.

They boast a crispy outside and soft inside, perfect with Iranian chai. Initially popular in Hyderabad, they’re now loved far and wide. Their special taste and texture are unforgettable.

Osmania cookies shine golden and smell wonderful, showing off Hyderabad’s culinary traditions. They grace special events and festivals, bringing royal vibes. You can keep them fresh in a sealed container for two weeks. This makes them a superb, easy-to-enjoy snack.

Don’t miss out on the next part. We’ll dive into the ingredients and steps to bake Osmania cookies at home.

Ingredients and Method

Ready to make your taste buds happy with some delightful Osmania cookies? They are made from special ingredients that blend perfectly together. This recipe is a sure way to bring joy to anyone who tries it.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • All-purpose flour/maida: 1 cup
  • Custard powder: 1 tablespoon
  • Milk powder: 2 tablespoons
  • Salt: 3/4 teaspoon (if using unsalted butter)
  • Baking powder: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sugar: 2-3 tablespoons
  • Cold Butter/vennai: 1/2 cup or 1 stick
  • Milk: 1 tablespoon for brushing

Let’s start baking your own Osmania cookies with these steps:

  1. First, soak a few saffron strands in a tablespoon of milk. Keep it aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, mix all-purpose flour, custard powder, milk powder, salt (if using unsalted butter), baking powder, and sugar together.
  3. Then, add cold butter in small bits to the mixture. Rub it with your fingers. Do this until it looks like bread crumbs.
  4. Pour in the saffron milk. Mix it to form a soft dough.
  5. Now, cover the dough and chill it in the fridge for 10-12 minutes.
  6. Heat your oven to 185°C.
  7. Then, roll the dough on a floured surface to about 1/4 inch thickness.
  8. Use cookie cutters to shape the dough. Place these shapes on a tray with parchment paper.
  9. Brush a bit of milk on each cookie for a golden look.
  10. Bake for 20-22 minutes until they’re golden.
  11. Finally, let the cookies cool on a rack.

Now you have delicious, homemade Osmania cookies! You can make around 14-16 cookies. They last up to two weeks in an airtight container, sometimes even longer depending on the weather.

Gather your ingredients and follow these steps for some delightful Osmania cookies. Enjoy the royal taste!

Variations and Pairings

Osmania cookies taste great alone but can also make other desserts. A favourite is chocolate cookie sandwiches using Osmania cookies. Go to Goel Bakery in Hyderabad for a range of exotic cookies, including Osmania cookies.

chocolate cookie sandwich

Additional Image Description: A delectable chocolate cookie sandwich made with Osmania cookies as the base.

To make these sandwiches, you need buttercream frosting and sprinkles. Take two Osmania cookies. Sandwich them with a lot of buttercream frosting.

The frosting brings a flavor burst and smoothness. Pair it with the unique Osmania cookies. Add sprinkles to the edges for color and fun.

These sandwiches are a rich treat. They mix chocolate’s richness with Osmania cookies’ unique flavour. They’re great for special events or as a nice surprise.

Why not try this tasty version? It’s a fun change from the usual, sure to please your sweet tooth.


Dive into Hyderabad’s flavours with the famous Osmania cookies. They’re named after Mir Osman Ali Khan. These cookies mix love with the distinct tastes of saffron and cardamom. Crispy and buttery, they bring history and culture in each bite.

Enjoy them with Irani Chai or as part of a chocolate cookie sandwich. Osmania cookies showcase Hyderabad’s Nawabi way of life. They’re a vegetarian delight, carrying the city’s royal past and culinary secrets.

Now, with Mirchibites.com, Osmania biscuits are just a click away for anyone in India. This online platform brings Hyderabadi sweets right to your door. It’s quick, easy, and ensures everyone can enjoy these treats.

Osmania cookies are more than just a snack. They’re a way to experience Hyderabad’s culture, history, or just enjoy something tasty. Try them and let their royal essence whisk you away to Hyderabad.


What are Osmania cookies?

Osmania cookies are a well-loved snack in Hyderabad, India. They’re named after Mir Osman Ali Khan, the last Hyderabad ruler. These biscuits are crispy on the outside and soft inside, making them a treat.

What are the main ingredients in Osmania cookies?

To make Osmania cookies, you need flour, confectioners sugar, and fats like butter and ghee. Other key ingredients include custard and milk powder, cardamom, baking powder, milk, and saffron.

How do you make Osmania cookies?

First, soak saffron in milk. Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl. In another, cream butter and sugar.

Combine these mixtures to make a soft dough. Roll it, cut shapes, and brush with saffron milk. Bake at 185°C for 12-15 minutes.

How long can Osmania cookies be stored?

You can keep Osmania cookies in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

Can Osmania cookies be used to make other desserts?

Absolutely, Osmania cookies work great in other desserts. They can be a base for chocolate cookie sandwiches, filled with your favourite buttercream and decorated with sprinkles.

Where can I find Osmania cookies?

Goel Bakery offers exotic cookies, including Osmania cookies, for those who’d like to try them.

What do Osmania cookies capture?

Osmania cookies embody Hyderabad’s rich culinary history, thanks to their unique ingredients. Saffron and cardamom give them a special flavor and texture.


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