Rose Scones

Floral Elegance: Rose Scones Recipe

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These delightful Rose Scones capture the spirit of spring perfectly. They blend gentle rose flavours with the much-loved British teatime favourite. Serve them with butter, cream, and apricot jam for an afternoon tea that’s sure to impress.

The recipe is simple, calling for self-raising flour, sugar, vegan spread, almond milk, and rose water. These scones are not only fluffy and light but also boast a distinct rose taste. They’re best enjoyed fresh from the oven, making any day feel special.

The Delicate Flavor of Rose

The delicate flavor of rose is the star of these scones. We use rose water or rose lemonade for a subtle floral taste. You can make rose water by brewing tea with dried petals or buy it.

The rose flavor gives the scones an elegant touch. They’re perfect for weddings or birthdays.

These scones mix rose flavor with other ingredients nicely. You’ll need 1/2 cup (50 g) of chopped pistachios. They add a nutty texture that goes well with the rose. Also, 1 tbsp (15 ml) of rose water or rose tea brings a floral hint. This mix creates a unique and delightful taste.

Serve the scones plain or with rose petal jam. The jam makes the rose flavor pop and adds sweetness. Garnish them with dried rose petals and chopped pistachios for looks and taste.

The Perfect Pairing: Floral Notes and Almond Extract

Almond extract is added to the recipe too. It has a subtle, aromatic note that matches the rose well. This combination makes the scones even more delicious.

Baking Tips for Flawless Scones

For the best scones, follow these tips. Use 1/2 cup (120 ml) of buttermilk. It activates the baking soda and helps the scones rise. Buttermilk also makes the dough tender.

Cut the dough in half and stack the pieces. Press them down several times. This technique makes the scones flaky and light.

Heat your oven to 425°F (218°C) and bake for about 16 minutes. They should be golden brown and baked well. This way, they’ll be perfectly cooked and tasty.

The finishing touch is Almond Icing. Mix 1/2 cup (59 g) of powdered sugar with 2 tsp (10 ml) of milk and almond extract. Drizzle it over the scones. Decorate with dried rose petals and pistachios for a stunning look.

Total Prep Time 1 hour and 26 minutes
Preparation Time 26 minutes
Cooking Time 16 minutes
Inactive Time 44 minutes

The total prep time for this recipe is 1 hour and 26 minutes. It outlines preparation, cooking, and inactive times. This info helps you bake without hassle.

Nutritional info is just an estimate, and it might not be exact. But, enjoying these scones is worth it once in a while.

Try these delightful rose scones for a special treat or an afternoon tea. The infusion of rose water or lemonade and almond extract makes them special. They have flaky layers and a golden exterior. Enjoy the elegance and floral allure of these Rose Scones.

Tips for Making Perfect Scones

Want to make the perfect scones? Just follow a few tips and tricks. It doesn’t matter if you are new to baking or you have done it many times before. These techniques will ensure you get fluffy and tasty scones every time.

1. Use Buttermilk for Tanginess and Leavening

Use buttermilk instead of regular milk in your recipe. It adds a tangy taste. Buttermilk also reacts with leavening agents to make scones light and airy. When buttermilk mixes with baking powder or soda, it creates bubbles. These bubbles help the scones to rise well.

2. Layer the Dough for Flaky Scones

For flaky scones, be gentle with the dough and don’t knead it too much. Simply cut the dough in half and stack them up. This easy step gives your scones flaky layers. It makes them flaky without making them heavy.

3. Keep the Butter and Dough Cold

It’s vital to use cold butter for scones. This makes them tender and crumbly. Chop the butter into small bits and keep it cold. Also, keep the dough chilled. Cooling the dough helps scones to keep their shape and rise well when you bake them.

4. Avoid Overworking the Dough

It’s key to mix ingredients just enough, without overdoing it. Working the dough too much makes the gluten in the flour active. This results in scones that are dense and hard. Mix the dough until it’s just right, then shape it gently.

“The key to fluffy scones is to handle the dough as little as possible. Overworking the dough can lead to tough and flat scones.” – Source: Food52

5. Consider Placement on the Baking Tray

Baking sites disagree on where to place scones on the tray. Some say scones rise evenly when placed close together. Others suggest spacing them apart for better rising. Studies show no big difference in scones baked close or apart. Yet, about 20% of scones may merge if baked too close.

Pick a method based on what you prefer. If you want clear-cut scones, space them apart. If you don’t mind them slightly joined, place them closer. The choice is yours.

Fluffy Scones

Follow these scone-making tips to bake like a pro. You’ll make scones that are light, buttery, and amazingly tasty. Try different flavors and toppings. Make your signature scones. They’re perfect with tea or for a brunch.


These Rose Scones make teatime extra special. They blend rose’s gentle flavour with a classic British scone. This combo is tasty and looks great too.

Enjoy them with butter, cream, and jam, or at a fancy do. They’ll wow anyone. Follow the tips to make your own Rose Scones Recipe. Experience the beauty of this floral dessert.

Give yourself a springtime treat with these scones. They’re the perfect teatime treat. Each bite takes you to a blooming garden.


How long does it take to make these Rose Scones?

You can make the Rose Scones in about 30 minutes. This includes both prep and baking time.

Can I use regular milk instead of buttermilk?

It’s best to use buttermilk for this recipe. It adds a tangy taste and makes the scones light and fluffy.

What can I serve with the Rose Scones?

Rose Scones taste great with butter, cream, and apricot or rose petal jam. They’re perfect for afternoon tea.

Can I use dried rose petals to make rose water?

Yes, you can make rose water with dried petals. You can also buy ready-made rose water.

Can I make these scones without rose flavor?

You can skip the rose flavor if you want. Just leave out the rose water or rose lemonade to make plain scones.

Are these scones suitable for vegans?

Yes, to make these Rose Scones vegan, use vegan spread and almond milk. These are good replacements for butter and regular milk.

Can I freeze the Rose Scones?

You can freeze the scones. First, let them cool down completely. Then, put them in an airtight container or freezer bag for 3 months. Warm them up in the oven before serving.

Can I make mini scones instead of regular-sized ones?

For mini Rose Scones, use a smaller biscuit cutter or take smaller bits of dough. Just remember to shorten the baking time.


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