Mrs McCarthy's Strawberry Scones Recipe

Homemade Jam: Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones Recipe

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Welcome to Mrs McCarthy’s strawberry scones world. They come from the famous Father Brown stories and TV show. They are a hit and a key part of British tea time.

This recipe captures the special taste of Mrs McCarthy’s scones. You can use fresh strawberries or dried ones. Either way, they make a delicious mix of sweet and rich flavors. Enjoy them with hot tea for a true British tea time.

We’re about to share how to make Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones. You’ll learn all about the ingredients and how to bake them. This will take you into the heart of British baking culture. Get ready for a tasty adventure.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make Mrs McCarthy’s Award-Winning Strawberry Scones, you will need:

  • ¾ cup of buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1/3 cup of Kerrygold Pure Irish butter
  • Extra flour for dusting
  • 1-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar for topping
  • Strawberry preserves
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Clotted cream or whipped cream

These ingredients combine to make the scones unforgettable.

Making the scones is easy:

  1. First, mix the dry parts – flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Then, cut in the Kerrygold butter until it looks like coarse crumbs.
  3. In another bowl, mix the buttermilk and egg together.
  4. Gently combine the wet and dry mixes. Just until they come together, so the dough stays light.
  5. Next, carefully add the strawberries to the mix.
  6. Roll the dough on a surface with a bit of flour, then cut into scones shapes.
  7. Put the scones on a tray with parchment paper.
  8. Brush the scones with cream and sprinkle sugar on top for sweetness.
  9. Finally, bake them at 425º for 12 minutes. They should be golden brown.

Note: Don’t overwork the dough. This will keep your scones soft and crumbly, just as they should be.

Serving and Variations

After baking Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones, it’s time to enjoy them. They taste great warm or at room temperature. This lets you enjoy their soft texture and the bright taste of strawberries anytime.

Serving these scones with strawberry jam and lots of clotted or whipped cream is traditional. The sweet and tangy jam with the creamy cream makes the scones taste even better. It’s a perfect mix of flavours.

For a fancy touch, sprinkle icing sugar on top of the scones. This makes them look better and adds a bit of sweetness. It’s a great match for the strawberry flavour.

Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones recipe can be changed up easily. Try using raspberries or blueberries instead of strawberries. Or, add chocolate chips or crushed nuts for more flavour and texture.

These scones are ideal for many occasions. Whether it’s afternoon tea, a brunch, or just a treat for yourself, everyone will love them. Their great taste and how easy they are to change up make them a favourite for any event.


Can I use frozen strawberries instead of fresh or dried strawberries?

Yes, frozen strawberries work well for Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones. Just thaw them and get rid of any extra water before mixing them in.

Can I use whole wheat flour instead of cake flour?

Using whole wheat flour instead of cake flour makes the scones denser. For a light and tender texture, it’s best to stick with cake flour.

Can I make the scones in advance and reheat them?

Definitely, you can prepare the scones ahead of time and warm them up later. Keep the cooled scones in a sealed container. To reheat, warm them in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for 5 minutes.

Can I freeze the scones?

Yes, you can freeze Mrs McCarthy’s Strawberry Scones for later. After they cool, wrap each scone in plastic and store in a freezer bag or container. They last up to 3 months frozen. Thaw at room temp or briefly in the oven.

Can I use other types of berries in this recipe?

Absolutely! Feel free to use berries like blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries instead of strawberries. Use the same amount of your chosen berry and follow the recipe as usual.

Can I add additional ingredients like chocolate chips or nuts?

Yes, you’re welcome to add extras like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit. Mix them into the dough with the strawberries before shaping the scones.


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