Cherry Sponge Cake

Light and Airy Cherry Sponge Cake Recipe

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Enjoy the wonderful taste of a Cherry Sponge Cake. It’s light, airy, and perfect for dessert. This recipe is a new take on the classic Eve’s Pudding, replacing apples with cherries. Inspired by Jamie Oliver, it promises a burst of flavor in each spoonful.

Cherries are key to this cake’s taste, adding sweetness and color. They are mostly water and have little fat, making them a healthy choice for dessert. The mix of spongy cake and juicy cherries is a perfect blend. It will make you want another slice.

You’re about to start a fun baking journey. This Cherry Sponge Cake is easy to make at home. It will showcase your cooking skills. Enjoy it warm with vanilla ice cream or custard for an extra treat.

Get your taste buds ready for a Cherry Sponge Cake like no other. It’s both light and indulgent, with a memorable cherry taste. This dessert is perfect for any level of baking expertise. It’s sure to please everyone and have them asking for more. Let’s start making this amazing cake!

Recipe Insights & Tips

Are you ready to learn how to make the perfect Cherry Sponge Cake? I got inspired by working in a bakery in Scotland. There, Eve’s Puddings with cherries were much loved. I changed the recipe to include cherries. Let’s learn all about this amazing dessert and its secrets.

Giving Cherries the Spotlight

In my version, cherries are the main event. They replace the usual apples in Eve’s Pudding. This change makes the cake something special. The mix of cherry flavor with the cake’s sponginess is fantastic.

Not just delicious, cherries bring health benefits too. They are full of good stuff like vitamins and antioxidants. So, eating this cake is almost like being healthy. Enjoy without too much guilt.

Choice of Pan

Don’t have a skillet? That’s okay. A pie pan will do for baking this Cherry Sponge Cake. Just make sure it’s greased well. This way, your cake comes out looking perfect.

Serving Suggestions

Want a perfect way to serve this dessert? Try it warm with vanilla ice cream or custard. The mix of hot cake and cold ice cream is amazing. It makes every bite better than the last.

“The combination of cherries, the light sponge, and the sweet hint of vanilla ice cream is pure culinary poetry.” – Chef Julia Miller

Stay tuned for the next part. You’ll find the list of ingredients and a step-by-step guide to making this Cherry Sponge Cake.

Ingredients and Preparation

To make the perfect Cherry Sponge Cake, gather these key ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Margarine
  • White sugar
  • Eggs
  • Almond extract
  • All-purpose flour
  • Cherry pie filling
  • Confectioners’ sugar

Now, you’re ready to start with the preparation:

  1. Cream the margarine and sugar: Mix the margarine and white sugar in a bowl. Cream them with a mixer or spoon until fluffy.
  2. Add the eggs and almond extract: Next, beat in the eggs one by one. After that, stir in your almond extract for an added flavor.
  3. Fold in the flour: Carefully add the flour into your batter. Gently fold it in evenly, but don’t overmix.
  4. Spread the batter in the prepared pan: Grease and flour your pan. Evenly spread your cake batter in it.
  5. Add the cherry pie filling: Now, place your cherry pie filling on top of the batter. Spread it out evenly.
  6. Bake to perfection: Preheat your oven and bake at the right temperature and time. Check doneness with a toothpick.
  7. Enjoy the finished cake: Once it’s cooled, dust with sugar. Then, slice and serve your tasty Cherry Sponge Cake.

With these steps, your Cherry Sponge Cake will be ready to enjoy in no time!

Get Creative

Don’t be afraid to add your twist with more ingredients. For example, you could sprinkle cinnamon in for a special taste. Or, top the cake with cream and fresh cherries to make it look and taste extra special.

cherry cake recipe

Let a delicious Cherry Sponge Cake image inspire your own kitchen creations!


The Cherry Sponge Cake recipe is perfect for any celebration. Its light texture merges with juicy cherries, presenting a tasty dessert. This treat is simple to make, letting you showcase your baking skills to loved ones.

If you love Eve’s Pudding or want something new, try the Cherry Sponge Cake. It offers the perfect mix of sweetness and tartness from the cherries. You won’t be able to resist its flavor.

Creating this dessert needs only a few ingredients and is very straightforward. Enjoy it warm with vanilla ice cream or warm custard. Don’t wait, give your family and yourself the joy of the Cherry Sponge Cake. Its flavors are truly tempting.


Can I use fresh cherries instead of cherry pie filling?

Yes, fresh cherries work great in this pie. Just make sure you pit and slice them first.

Can I substitute almond extract with another flavor?

For sure! Use vanilla or lemon extract if you’re not into almond. It will change up the flavor nicely.

Can I make this cake ahead of time?

You can make it early, no problem. Keep it in a closed container to stay fresh. Heat pieces in the microwave to make them warm again.

Can I use a different type of pan instead of a pie pan?

Sure thing, a cake or square pan will do just fine. Just remember to tweak the baking time a bit.

Can I freeze the cake?

Absolutely, it freezes well. Wrap it tight or keep it in a closed container. Defrost in the fridge before enjoying.

Is this cake suitable for people with dietary restrictions?

This cake may not be right for those avoiding eggs or gluten. Yet, you can use egg-free or gluten-free flour to make it fit.

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