Chocolate and Cherry Cake Recipe

Luscious Chocolate and Cherry Cake: A Recipe You Can’t Resist

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Fall in love with the deep flavors of chocolate and cherries. Try this amazing recipe for a luscious chocolate and cherry cake. It’s a tasty twist on the classic Black Forest Cherry Cake, perfect for those who enjoy the rich mix of chocolate and cherries.

This cake is all about decadence. It has layers of moist chocolate cake, each soaked in cherry liqueur. Then, they’re filled with whipped cream and chopped cherries. This mix of flavors and textures is pure pleasure. The cake is finished with chocolate pudding frosting and topped with a ganache and gold cherries for extra glam.

Looking to impress or just in the mood for something special? This chocolate and cherry cake is perfect. It’s guaranteed to be a hit at any event or just as your own indulgence.

Ingredients and Preparation

Making a heavenly chocolate and cherry cake is all about picking the right things and a careful process. Let’s look at the important steps and ingredients for this tasty treat.

Chocolate Cake

This cake starts with a rich chocolate base. You’ll need:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Cocoa powder
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Sugar
  • Eggs
  • Vanilla extract
  • Milk
  • Coffee

    Put the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ones in another. Mix them slowly together. Then, bake until a toothpick in the center comes out clean.

    Chocolate Pudding Frosting

    A smooth chocolate pudding frosting makes this cake even more amazing. You’ll need:

    • Heavy cream
    • Chopped chocolate
    • Powdered sugar
    • Cocoa powder
    • Butter
    • Vanilla extract

      In a pan, warm the cream until it starts to bubble. Add the chocolate and mix until smooth. Then, add the other ingredients. After it cools, put it on the cake.

      Cherry Whipped Cream Filling

      Add a cherry cream layer for a fresh twist. You’ll use:

      • Heavy whipping cream
      • Powdered sugar
      • Vanilla extract
      • Chopped cherries

        Whip the cream until it’s fluffy. Mix in sugar and vanilla. Add cherries gently. Use this to fill the cake.

        Ganache Drip

        The ganache coating adds a glossy finish. You’ll need:

        • Chopped chocolate
        • Heavy cream

          Place chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream until almost boiling. Pour the cream over chocolate and stir until smooth.

          Now, let’s put the cake together. First, the chocolate cake layer. Next, add the cherry cream. Continue with more layers. Finally, top the cake with ganache.

          You now know how to make this amazing cake. It’s time to get creative and enjoy your slice.

          Ingredients Quantity
          All-purpose flour 2 cups
          Cocoa powder 1/2 cup
          Baking powder 2 teaspoons
          Baking soda 1 teaspoon
          Salt 1/2 teaspoon
          Butter 1/2 cup, softened
          Sugar 1 1/2 cups
          Eggs 2
          Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
          Milk 1 cup
          Coffee 1/2 cup, brewed and cooled
          Heavy cream (for frosting) 2 cups
          Chopped chocolate (for frosting) 8 ounces
          Powdered sugar (for frosting) 1/2 cup
          Cocoa powder (for frosting) 1/4 cup
          Butter (for frosting) 1/2 cup, softened
          Vanilla extract (for frosting) 1 teaspoon
          Heavy whipping cream (for filling) 2 cups
          Powdered sugar (for filling) 1/4 cup
          Vanilla extract (for filling) 1 teaspoon
          Chopped cherries (for filling) 1 cup
          Chopped chocolate (for ganache drip) 4 ounces
          Heavy cream (for ganache drip) 1/2 cup

          Tips and Variations

          This chocolate cherry cake is a winner with its amazing flavor combo. It’s perfect for any event you have in mind. Here are some tips and fun tweaks to take your cake to the next level.

          1. Moist and Flavorful with Jell-O

          Adding Jell-O keeps the cake moist and vibrant. This extra step stops it from being too wet. The outcome is a cake so soft, it practically melts in your mouth.

          2. Make Ahead for Convenience

          Got a big event coming up? Make your cake early to ease the rush later. You can chill it for up to three days after it’s done. This way, you can focus on other tasks and still serve a fresh cake.

          3. Freeze for Future Enjoyment

          Craving cake later? No problem, just freeze and save it for another time. After adding Jell-O, wrap it, and freeze. Thaw it in the fridge overnight when you’re ready. This trick keeps your cake stash well-stocked.

          4. Frosting Variations

          Love the pudding frosting, but up for a change? Try a rich chocolate glaze instead. Or, a ganache drizzle that adds class to your cake. Changing up the frostings adds extra flair to every slice.

          By using these ideas, your chocolate cherry cake will be a hit. Make it early or freeze it for later. No matter when you serve it, the rich taste of chocolate and cherries will be memorable.

          chocolate cherry cake

          Ingredient Substitutions

          Original Ingredient Substitution
          Chocolate Pudding Frosting Chocolate Glaze or Ganache
          Cherry Liqueur Cherry Juice
          Black Cherries Maraschino Cherries

          Feel free to put your own spin on this classic cake recipe. Whether you stick to the original or try exciting changes, your cake is bound to be a crowd-pleaser. Get creative and enjoy the sweet compliments!


          Ending our sweet journey, we recognize Maria Speck’s wisdom in “simply ancient grains.” Her teaching on grains and their uses has opened our eyes. We now understand the beauty of whole grain Kamut flour.

          Maria showed us how ancient grains add more than flavor. They enrich our food with nutrition too. Our chocolate cherry cake is proof. It’s better thanks to the whole grain Kamut flour. The cake is tastier and healthier because of it.

          Finally, we top it with Marsala cream. This rich cream brings a new level of taste to the cake. It adds elegance and makes every bite luxurious yet subtle.

          This dessert is perfect for any happy moment. The cake shines thanks to ancient grains and Maria’s expertise. It reminds us that the best treats, like this one, honor tradition and bring joy.


          Can I make this chocolate and cherry cake ahead of time?

          Yes, you can make the cake ahead and refrigerate it for up to three days. You can also freeze it after adding the Jell-O.

          Can I replace the pudding frosting with something else?

          Yes, you can use a chocolate glaze or ganache instead of the pudding frosting if you like.

          What does Jell-O do in the recipe?

          The Jell-O makes the cake moist without making it soggy. It also boosts the chocolate and cherry flavors.

          Who is Maria Speck and how does she relate to this recipe?

          Maria Speck is known for her expertise in grains. Her book “simply ancient grains” talks about using whole grain Kamut flour. This flour is in the chocolate and cherry cake recipe. The cake also includes a Marsala cream that goes great with the chocolate.

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