Glace Cherry Cake

Sweet and Simple Glace Cherry Cake for Any Occasion

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Enjoy a tasty homemade yellow cake with sweet glace cherries. This cake is great for birthdays, tea time, or anytime you want a sweet treat.

Imagine tasting a soft cake packed with the zesty and sugary taste of cherry pie filling. Add a simple sweet glaze, and the dessert is complete.

Making this cake is easy and requires common ingredients. You can make it without being an expert baker. Just use sugar, butter, yogurt, and a few other items.

Its soft texture comes from the blend of cake and cherry filling. The mix of flavors and textures is like a symphony of taste.

Enjoy this dessert at a party or for a special moment alone. It’s a cake that will make everyone happy. So, why not try it and enjoy the yummy cherry flavor?

Easy Recipe for Glace Cherry Cake

Making this glace cherry cake is super easy. It combines a simple yellow cake with yummy cherry pie filling. Almond extract and yogurt make it special. Follow these steps to bake a cake that everyone will love.

First, heat your oven to 350°F and get a 9″x13″ pan ready. Greasing the pan will help the cake come out easily.

In a bowl, mix sugar, butter, yogurt (choose plain, cherry, or vanilla), and flavorings until creamy. This adds a nice sour taste to the cake and boosts the cherry flavor too.

Then, add the flour and baking powder. Mix it all until smooth. The flour keeps the cake together, and baking powder makes it light and fluffy.

Now, place most of the batter in the pan to form the cake’s base.

After that, spread the cherry pie filling on top. This adds a perfect mix of sweet and tart to the cake.

Lastly, dot the rest of the batter over the filling. This gives the cake a pretty, marbled look.

Bake for about 25 minutes, or until it’s golden and cooked through. Watch it closely to avoid burning.

“The smell of the cake baking in the oven will fill your kitchen with a mouthwatering aroma that is hard to resist.”

While the cake bakes, prepare a simple glaze. Mix powdered sugar, almond extract, and milk. This glaze sweetens and shines up the cake.

When the cake is ready, let it cool for a bit. Then, pour the glaze over it. Let it soak in.

“The glaze will create a beautiful contrast against the golden cake, making it even more irresistible.”

Let the cake fully cool before slicing. This makes sure it stays together well and the flavors mix nicely.

Then, it’s time to dig in. Enjoy a piece of this tender, flavorful glace cherry cake. It’s perfect for any get-together or as a simple treat.


There are many ways you can tweak this cherry cake recipe:

  • Use different yogurts, like cherry or vanilla, to add more flavor.
  • Try another extract, like lemon, for a different taste.
  • Change the fruit filling to blueberry or raspberry for something new.
  • Add nuts, such as almonds or pecans, for crunch and flavor.

Feel free to mix things up and make this recipe suit your taste.

Ingredients: Instructions:
1 cup sugar Cream together sugar, butter, yogurt, vanilla extract, and eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened Add flour and baking powder to the creamed mixture and mix until combined.
1/2 cup yogurt (plain, cherry, or vanilla) Spread 2/3 of the batter into a greased 9″x13″ baking pan.
1 tsp vanilla extract Pour cherry pie filling on top of the batter, spreading it evenly.
2 eggs Dot the remaining batter on top of the pie filling to create a marbled effect.
2 cups all-purpose flour Bake the cake at 350°F for 25 minutes or until golden and set.
2 tsp baking powder Combine powdered sugar, almond extract, and milk to make a glaze.
1 can cherry pie filling Drizzle the glaze over the warm cake and let it cool completely before serving.
1 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp almond extract
2 tbsp milk

Tips and Variations for Glace Cherry Cake

Here are some easy tips and tweaks for a great glace cherry cake. First, when mixing the batter, beat the sugar, butter, yogurt, vanilla, and eggs well. Doing this makes a soft cake that’s really tasty.

Add almond extract to make your cake even better. It smells great and goes perfectly with the cherries. You can also swap the plain yogurt for cherry or vanilla for more flavor.

Spread the batter in the pan smoothly with a spatula or spoon. This step makes sure your cake bakes just right. Likewise, when layering the cherry filling, do it evenly. This way, everyone gets plenty of cherries in their slice.

After baking and glazing your cake, let it cool all the way before cutting. This improves the taste and keeps the glaze nice. In the summer, add fresh cherries to each piece. For the winter, use chocolate-covered cherries for something special.

For storage, put your cake in an airtight container in the fridge. It will keep well for about a week. Or, freeze it for up to three months. Keep in mind that freezing might slightly change the filling and glaze’s texture.


How do I make a glace cherry cake?

To create a glace cherry cake, start by mixing sugar and butter. Add yogurt, vanilla, and eggs and stir until it’s light. Next, fold in flour and baking powder gently.

Pour most of the batter into a greased pan. Add cherry pie filling on top. Drop the remaining batter over the filling. Then, it’s ready for the oven. Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes. Once it’s out, glaze the cake while it’s still warm. Let it cool down before cutting and serving.

Can I use different types of yogurt in this recipe?

Indeed, you can pick from plain, cherry, or vanilla yogurt. Each kind will give your cake its special taste.

How should I spread the batter and cherry pie filling in the pan?

When adding batter, smooth it with a spatula. Make sure it’s level.

For the cherry pie filling, spread it evenly. This way, every slice will have enough cherry goodness.

How should I serve glace cherry cake?

Serve the cake with fresh cherries in the summer or chocolate-covered ones in winter. This makes it extra special.

After letting it cool, cut the cake into squares to serve.

How should I store glace cherry cake?

To keep glace cherry cake fresh, place it in an airtight container. Then, refrigerate. It will stay good for about a week.

Make sure the container seals well to keep the cake moist.

Can I freeze glace cherry cake?

Yes, you can freeze the cake for up to three months. Just keep in mind, the cherries and glaze might change slightly in texture.

Thaw the cake in the fridge overnight before enjoying.

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