Cherry Crumble Cake

Hearty Cherry Crumble Cake for Cozy Evenings

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The Cherry Crumble Cake is a homemade delight perfect for cozy evenings. Imagine yourself wrapped in a blanket by the fireplace, enjoying a slice. The scent of cherries and warm bread is in the air, making you feel at ease. It’s great for a quiet night alone or when you have guests over.

Making this dessert is easy, needing just a few items. You’ll use things like yellow cake mix, cherry pie filling, and streusel topping. The recipe is simple, so even beginners in the kitchen can make it. You’ll quickly find your home filled with love and warmth for the evening.

Picture cutting a slice and seeing a soft, moist cake filled with cherry joy. The top adds a nice crunch and extra flavor. Having it with a warm drink makes your evening even cozier.

Have you ever thought about the story of this cake? It comes from a reader of the Coffeehouse Mystery, Shirley Jackson. She passed it to friends in Houston. Now, we keep her tradition alive by baking this cake and sharing it with loved ones.

Whether you’re alone or with family, the Cherry Crumble Cake is a great treat. It’s easy to make and brings a lot of joy with every bite. This dessert is perfect for making moments special, for you and your loved ones.

A Simple and Delicious Recipe for Cherry Crumble Cake

Enjoy the tasty Cherry Crumble Cake with this simple recipe. It’s easy to make, perfect for all bakers. Your friends and family will love it.

  • Yellow cake mix
  • All-purpose flour
  • Dry yeast
  • Warm tap water
  • Cherry pie filling
  • Melted butter
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Powdered sugar

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process:

  1. Mix the yellow cake mix, flour, yeast, and water in a bowl. Stir until it’s a smooth dough.
  2. Put the dough in a baking pan, making sure it’s even.
  3. In another bowl, mix butter and cake mix until crumbly. This is our tasty topping.
  4. Put cherry pie filling over the dough, making each bite full of fruit.
  5. Top with sugar for sweetness.
  6. Then, add the streusel on top for crunch.
  7. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for about 30 minutes. The top should be golden.
  8. Let it cool before adding the glaze.
  9. Mix melted butter, milk, and powdered sugar for the glaze. It should be smooth.
  10. Drizzle the glaze over the cake.

And there you have it! Your Cherry Crumble Cake is ready. Serve warm with ice cream or as it is. It’s great for any get-together.

Let the aroma of this Cherry Crumble Cake fill your kitchen, bringing warmth and happiness to all who taste it.

Expert Tips:

  • Add cinnamon or lemon zest for extra flavor.
  • Taste-test with different fruits like blueberry or peach.
  • Serve it warm or cold, depending on the season.

A Slice of Bliss:

Enjoy the sweet, crunchy, and moist Cherry Crumble Cake. It’s a hit for bakers and dessert fans alike. Bring out the ingredients, start the oven, and enjoy the lovely smell in your home. Share this joyful moment and savor each slice with loved ones. Happy baking!

Celebrating Love and Generations with Cherry Crumble Cake

The Cherry Crumble Cake isn’t just a tasty treat; it’s also about celebrating love passed through generations. Thanks to Shirley Jackson from the Coffeehouse Mystery readers, this special recipe has touched many hearts. Shirley shared this cake in Houston, spreading the warmth and love it represents.

What makes this cake special is yeast, giving it a taste like sweet bread. This flavor links back to fond memories across generations. It proves that food not only brings joy but also builds lasting memories.

When you bake this cake, you’re not just following steps. It’s an expression of love and togetherness. Every slice enjoyed creates new memories, moments that unite families. It shows the deep impact a dessert can have on us.

Let’s honor love and family with the Cherry Crumble Cake. Bake it with care and share it with those you love. Its presence signifies the strong family ties and traditions we keep alive for the future.


What is a Cherry Crumble Cake?

The Cherry Crumble Cake is a delightful homemade treat. It’s great for brightening any day. This cake is a top pick for making evenings at home special.

What ingredients are needed to make a Cherry Crumble Cake?

You will need some basic ingredients for this cake. The list includes yellow cake mix, cherry pie filling, and a streusel topping. Also, gather all-purpose flour, dry yeast, warm tap water, sugar, butter, milk, and powdered sugar.

How can I make a Cherry Crumble Cake?

First, make the dough by mixing yellow cake mix, flour, dry yeast, and water. Press this dough into a baking pan. Now, mix melted butter with cake mix to make a crumbly streusel topping.

Add cherry pie filling on top, then sprinkle with sugar. Finish by adding the streusel. Bake the mix for 30 minutes. After baking, let it cool and top with a glaze of butter, milk, and powdered sugar.

When can I enjoy a Cherry Crumble Cake?

This cake is perfect anytime. Enjoy it for breakfast, brunch, or dessert after dinner. It’s also lovely on hot summer days when chilled.

Can the Cherry Crumble Cake be made in advance?

Yes, you can make this cake ahead of time. Simply store it in an airtight container. Then, enjoy it whenever you like.

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