brownies with smarties

How to Bake Brownies with Smarties: A Colorful Recipe

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Baking brownies is loved by many. Adding Smarties makes them colorful and tasty. This recipe is easy, and you can use different types of chocolate. The brownies are soft, full of chocolate, and not too rich. Each bite has a good amount of Smarties. Here is the recipe:

This article will show you how to bake brownies with Smarties. It includes ingredients, methods, and some tips. It’s perfect for both experienced bakers and beginners. Your friends and family will be impressed by how good they taste!

Ingredients and Method for Brownies with Smarties

Baking tasty brownies with a fun twist is easy with the right stuff and an easy method. Let’s look at what you need and how to make these Smarties brownies.


Ingredients Quantity
Unsalted butter 1 cup
Dark chocolate 8 ounces
Plain flour 1 cup
Caster sugar 1 ½ cups
Cocoa powder ¼ cup
Eggs 4
Smarties milk chocolate bar 1
Tube of Smarties 1

First up, get all the ingredients. This will make your baking smooth and fun.


  1. Preheat: Start by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease or line your baking dish too.
  2. Melt: In a saucepan, melt butter and dark chocolate over low heat. Stir until smooth.
  3. Beat: In a mixing bowl, beat eggs and sugar until they’re fluffy.
  4. Combine: Slowly mix in the melted chocolate. Stir gently until smooth.
  5. Fold: Sift in the flour and cocoa. Gently fold them in. Don’t overmix.
  6. Add: Add Smarties chocolate and some Smarties from the tube. Mix gently.
  7. Transfer: Now, pour the batter into your baking dish. Make it even.
  8. Top: Sprinkle more Smarties on top. Press them lightly into the batter.
  9. Bake: Bake for about 25 minutes until a toothpick comes out mostly clean.
  10. Cool: Let your brownies cool completely before cutting them into squares.

Now you’ve got the ingredients and steps down, let’s bake! These brownies, with their rich chocolate and hidden Smarties, will wow everyone. Have fun baking!

Tips for Making Brownies with Smarties

Creating brownies with Smarties isn’t too complex, but it does need some focus. To get your brownies just right, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Melt the chocolate and butter properly: It’s essential to get the chocolate and butter mix silky. You can melt them together using a double boiler or a microwave. Stir until you have a smooth blend.
  2. Beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy: Mix the eggs and sugar until they’re light and airy. This step makes your brownies tender and moist.
  3. Fold in the flour and cocoa powder carefully: Gently combine the flour and cocoa powder to keep the texture fudgy. Don’t mix too much; it can make your brownies dry and dense.
  4. Add the Smarties chocolate bar and tube of Smarties: For a fun twist, add both the Smarties chocolate bar and a tube of Smarties. This adds color and flavor throughout your brownies.
  5. Grease or line the baking dish: To avoid sticking, grease your dish with butter or use oil. You can also line it with parchment paper for easy handling.
  6. Bake at the right temperature and time: Stick to the recipe’s baking instructions. This ensures your brownies have a perfect bake. A crispy top and gooey center are the signs of a well-made batch.

With these guidelines, you can make brownies with Smarties that everyone will love. Their rich chocolate, vibrant Smarties, and chewy texture will be a hit. Get ready for a treat that’s as yummy as it is colorful!

tips for baking brownies


Baking brownies with Smarties adds fun and color to a classic treat. This recipe can be changed with various chocolates or extras. By carefully following these steps and choosing the right ingredients, you’ll create soft, chocolate-filled Smarties brownies.

This dessert is ideal for any exciting day or when you’re craving something sweet. These brownies mix the rich, fudgy taste with the crispy, colorful Smarties. They make a joyful snack for both the young and the old. With every bite, you’ll taste real chocolate and enjoy the sweet surprise from the Smarties.

Ready to bake? Put on your apron and let’s make some brownies with Smarties. It doesn’t matter if you bake a lot or a little. These brownies are simple and perfect for any event or a calm evening at home. Eating a fresh, warm brownie with Smarties is truly a happy moment. It’s an experience that’ll have everyone asking for another piece!


Can I use different types of chocolate in this brownie recipe?

Yes, you can use other types of chocolate. This includes milk chocolate and white chocolate.

How long should I bake the brownies for?

Bake them for about 25 minutes. Check with a toothpick; it should come out with a few crumbs.

Can I add other mix-ins to the brownie batter?

Yes, add nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruits for a custom taste.

Should I grease or line the baking dish?

It’s best to grease or line the baking dish. This helps the brownies come out easily.

Can I substitute the Smarties with another candy?

Yes, you can swap Smarties with your favorite candy. This lets you enjoy your choice in each bite.

Can I double the recipe to make a larger batch?

You sure can double everything. But, remember to adjust the baking time too.

Can I freeze the brownies?

Freezing brownies is fine for up to three months. Just wrap them well in plastic or use an airtight container.

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