recipe for dutch apple cake

Traditional Dutch Apple Cake: Step-by-Step Recipe

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Welcome to our guide on making a delightful homemade Dutch Apple Cake! This traditional Dutch recipe is ideal if you’re longing for a tasty apple dessert. It has a golden cake base covered with soft, cinnamon-flavored apples. It’s a hit wherever it goes.

Our recipe will walk you through each baking step. You’ll learn how to mix the batter and lay out the apple slices. You’ll discover the secrets to making your Dutch Apple Cake moist and bursting with flavor.

This recipe serves 15, perfect for family events, tea parties, or as a personal treat. All you need are simple ingredients and a bit of love. You’ll soon have a cake that’s loved by everyone who tries it.

Ready to bake? Put on your apron, gather the ingredients, and enjoy making this Dutch Apple Cake. It’s great for both experienced bakers and those new to the kitchen. Everyone deserves a taste of this homemade happiness.

How to Make Dutch Apple Cake

Making Dutch Apple Cake is easier than it seems. This step-by-step guide helps you make a cake that’s a hit. Follow these steps carefully for a perfect cake every time!

  1. Start by sifting flour with baking powder and salt. This makes the cake light and even.
  2. Cream shortening and sugar in a big bowl. This step makes your cake tender by adding air.
  3. Beat in egg and vanilla until fluffy. Eggs make the cake rich, and vanilla boosts the flavor.
  4. Slowly add dry ingredients and milk to the creamed mix. Begin and end with dry ingredients to avoid overmixing. This makes a smooth batter.
  5. Grease a baking pan and spread the batter in it. Use a spatula to make the top smooth.
  6. Place apple pieces on the batter. Press them lightly so they’re evenly spread. This adds a layer of apple goodness.
  7. Sprinkle a mix of sugar and cinnamon on the apples. This makes a sweet and lovely crust.
  8. Preheat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius) and bake for 50-60 minutes. Test with a toothpick; it should come out clean. Avoid overbaking.
  9. Cool the cake in the pan completely before serving. This helps the flavors blend, giving you the perfect cake slice.

With these easy steps, making Dutch Apple Cake is a joy in your kitchen. It’s perfect for any occasion or as a special treat. Enjoy the mix of soft cake, spiced apples, and sweet tastes!

Tips for a Perfect Dutch Apple Cake

To make a great Dutch Apple Cake, focus on the details. Use these tips to bake a cake that’s moist, full of flavor, and very tasty.

  1. Choose the Best Apples: Picking the right apples is crucial for a good Dutch Apple Cake. While many like Honeycrisp for their sweetness and crunch, you can pick any kind you like. Since the apples stay a bit firm in the cake, different flavors and textures work well too.
  2. Enhance the Apple Flavor: Spicing the cake is a key to its tastiness. A little cinnamon and nutmeg go a long way in bringing out the apple’s flavor. You can tweak the spices to your liking. Just don’t lose the apple’s natural taste in the mix.
  3. Add Moisture and Tanginess: Using sour cream and buttermilk makes the cake moist and tangy. Don’t have these? No problem. Plain yogurt or milk can work just as well. The sour cream or buttermilk does give the cake a nice, rich feel.
  4. Choose the Right Pan: A springform pan is best for this cake. Its side comes off, making it easy to take the cake out without messing it up. This cake looks beautiful and a springform pan helps keep it that way.
  5. Enjoy the Perfect Pairing: When your cake is ready, take time to enjoy its flavors. It’s great for breakfast or a break-time snack. Have it with coffee or tea for the best taste.

With these pro tips, your Dutch Apple Cake will wow with both flavor and looks. Enjoy baking and fill your home with the inviting smell of fresh cake. Your cake will be a real treat for everyone.

dutch apple cake tips

Key Tips for a Perfect Dutch Apple Cake
Choose the Best Apples
Enhance the Apple Flavor
Add Moisture and Tanginess
Choose the Right Pan
Enjoy the Perfect Pairing


Creating a Dutch Apple Cake at home is a joy. Its flavors are perfect for any gathering or tea time. This recipe guides you to make a cake that is moist and tasty with apple slices that stay crispy.

Pick the right apples and choose your spices for a cake that fits your style. You can use Granny Smith for a tangy taste or Honeycrisp for sweetness. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg can also make your cake more fragrant and warm.

Why not make a Dutch Apple Cake for yourself and others? It’s great for breakfast or a special dessert. Just gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and discover the delight of soft cake, apples full of flavor, and enjoyable tastes. Eating this cake will surely create sweet memories at the table.


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