Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake

Transforming the Classic: Cherry Bakewell Tart into a Cake

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The cherry bakewell tart is a well-loved dessert. However, it can take a lot of time to make it from scratch. This is why the berry bakewell cake came into being.

It combines a classic sponge with ground almonds and fresh berries. The result is a tasty and easy-to-make dessert.

The sponge mix includes butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and more. It brings a delicious texture to the cake.

This cake allows for a variety of berries – from raspberries to blueberries, and more. Making it is super easy. You just mix everything, pour it in a tin, add the berries, and top it with almonds.

Finally, a dusting of icing sugar adds a pretty finishing touch.

Enjoy this cake with extra fruits or your favorite sauce. It stays fresh for a few days, perfect for parties.

Raspberry Almond Cake: A Twist on the Classic Bakewell Tart

This raspberry almond cake is a twist on the famous Bakewell Tart. It keeps the tart’s traditional flavors but adds something new. It has moist almond cake, almond and raspberry buttercream, fresh raspberries, and almond slices. Together, these ingredients make a sweet and nutty flavor harmony.

We start by making the almond cake layers. The recipe uses almond flour for a strong almond taste and a soft texture. Adding raspberry simple syrup to the layers hints at raspberry without changing the color. This touch of fruit flavor is a lovely addition.

The cake is frosted with Swiss meringue buttercream, making it light and silky. This buttercream is special because it’s split into two. One part gets almond flavor, and the other gets freeze-dried raspberry flavor. This duo of tastes enriches the cake’s overall flavor.

Putting this cake together is fun. We layer it with almond buttercream and fresh raspberries. The top gets frosted with raspberry buttercream, making it a beautiful dessert.

This cake is a tasty homage to the Bakewell Tart. It has moist almond cake, almond and raspberry buttercream, fresh raspberries, and crunchy almonds. Every mouthful is a joy of taste and texture.

For a pretty finish, the cake is topped with more raspberries, almonds, freeze-dried raspberries, and nonpareils. Its look and taste make it perfect for any gathering.

Dive into this raspberry almond cake to enjoy a new take on the Bakewell Tart. It’s a delightful mix of the tart’s essence and new indulgence. You can enjoy it alone or with cream or ice cream. Either way, it’s a joy for your taste buds.

Recipe Highlights:

  • Layers of moist almond cake
  • Almond and raspberry buttercream
  • Fresh raspberries and almond slices
  • Swiss meringue buttercream frosting
  • Decorated with fresh raspberries, sliced almonds, freeze-dried raspberries, and nonpareils

This raspberry almond cake is a true eye-catcher with its amazing taste and look. It turns the Bakewell Tart into something modern. If you love almonds and raspberries, this cake will become a favorite.


The cherry bakewell tart cake is a fun twist on the classic Bakewell Tart. It turns a tart into a cake, making it easier and fun to bake. The recipe is simple, using common ingredients and needing little time to prepare. With a mix of sponge, ground almonds, and fresh berries, it tastes amazing.

Try switching up the fruit to match your taste. You can also make it look even better with a dusting of icing sugar. This way, the cake is perfect for any event.

This cake is great by itself. But, it’s even better with cream, custard, or ice cream. Your loved ones will really enjoy this sweet treat. So, why not try baking it and add a new twist to a classic favorite? Enjoy the rich flavors of the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake!


How is the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake different from the classic Bakewell Tart?

The Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake turns the tart into a cake, making it easier to enjoy and prepare. It uses a classic sponge mixed with ground almonds and fresh berries. This creates a cake with a wonderful texture and flavor.

What are the ingredients used in the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake?

For the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake, you’ll need butter, sugar, flour, eggs, ground almonds, vanilla, and milk. Plus, you should add fresh berries. Go for raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, or whatever fruits you like.

How long does the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake last?

The Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake stays good for 3-4 days at room temperature. This makes it great for parties and gatherings.

Can the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake be served with other accompaniments?

Yes, you can enjoy the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake with extra fruit, custard, or cream. You’re encouraged to be imaginative in how you serve it.

How is the Raspberry Almond Cake different from the classic Bakewell Tart?

The Raspberry Almond Cake is a fun twist on the classic tart. It has layers of almond cake, almond and raspberry buttercream, fresh raspberries, and almond slices. This mix offers a new flavor and texture experience.

What are the ingredients used in the Raspberry Almond Cake?

The Raspberry Almond Cake needs almond flour, almond slices, fresh raspberries, raspberry buttercream, and Swiss meringue buttercream. These are flavored with almond extract and freeze-dried raspberry powder.

How should the Raspberry Almond Cake be decorated?

Top the Raspberry Almond Cake with fresh raspberries, almond slices, freeze-dried raspberries, and white nonpareils. This creates a cake that’s not just tasty but also visually striking.

How can variations be made to the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake?

Change up the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake by using different berries or fruits. This allows you to make the cake to your liking.

How can the presentation of the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake be enhanced?

Sprinkle icing sugar or add more decorations to make the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake look better. Let your creativity loose to beautify your cake.

What is the conclusion for the Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake?

The Cherry Bakewell Tart Cake is a tasty twist on the classic. With its easy recipe, it’s perfect for enjoying alone or with a topping. This cake brings a fresh spin to a well-loved dessert.

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