green bean and potato salad recipe

Classic Green Bean and Potato Salad Recipe

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This fresh twist on the beloved side dish combines tender red potatoes and crisp green beans. A tangy dressing makes it the perfect picnic addition. It’s ready in just 35 minutes and serves 10.

Perfect for any summer BBQ, potluck, or as a tasty meal side, this salad never fails to impress. Earthy potatoes and crunchy green beans mix for great texture. Meanwhile, a zingy dressing brings flavor.

It’s easy and wallet-friendly, made from fresh veggies and simple pantry items. The salad’s bright colors and refreshing taste are sure to please everyone.

Begin by collecting the ingredients. Then, follow the easy instructions.

Ingredients and Preparation

To create this tasty green bean and potato salad, gather these fresh ingredients:

  • 1 ½ pounds of red potatoes
  • ¾ pound of fresh green beans
  • A small red onion
  • Chopped fresh basil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Dijon mustard
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Garlic
  • Worcestershire sauce

Got your ingredients? Great! Now, let’s start making this amazing salad. Here’s the plan:

  1. First, boil the red potatoes in a big pot of salty water until they’re tender, roughly 15-20 minutes. Then, drain them and leave to cool a bit.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, get the green beans ready. Snip the ends off and chop them into smaller pieces. Steam them till they’re tender yet still a bit crunchy, about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Now, cut the cooled potatoes into quarters and put them in a big bowl. Add the green beans, red onion, and basil to the bowl.
  4. In another bowl, mix the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, minced garlic, and Worcestershire sauce. This mix makes a delicious dressing.
  5. Drizzle the dressing over the potato and green bean mix. Gently toss to make sure everything’s covered. Season with salt and pepper.

Your green bean and potato salad is now ready to enjoy. It combines soft red potatoes, crunchy green beans, and a zesty dressing. It’s the perfect addition to any meal, full of refreshing flavours.

Cooking Time and Nutrition Facts

When you make green bean and potato salad, think about the cooking time and nutrition. This helps you make a meal plan. You’ll choose wisely for a dish that’s both tasty and good for you.

Cooking Time

This salad takes 35 minutes to make. You’ll spend 15 minutes preparing and 20 minutes cooking. In just half an hour, you’ll have a tasty and healthy salad ready to eat.

Nutrition Facts

Let’s look at the nutrition of this colourful salad. It serves 4 to 6 people. Each serving has about 112 calories, making it a light choice for any meal.

Each serving has 10.7g of fat, with 2.6g being saturated fat. This is a moderate amount. There’s 8.4mg of cholesterol, which is quite low.

Each serving has 188mg of sodium. It’s low enough for those watching their sodium. You also get 18.8g of carbs, 4.4g of fibre, and 3.9g of sugar per serving.

Looking for protein? Each serving has 3.5g. It’s a filling part of the salad. Remember, these numbers are based on a 2000-calorie diet. Your needs might be different.

To learn more about green bean and potato salad recipes, you can visit these sources:

Taste of Home’s recipe gives a classic twist on the salad. You’ll find clear instructions and handy tips.

FatFree Vegan Kitchen’s recipe brings in lemon and dill for a fresh taste.

Inspired Taste shares a version with tasty feta cheese.

With these cooking times and nutrition facts, you’re ready to make a great salad. Green bean and potato salad is flexible and ideal for many occasions. Enjoy it as a healthy side anytime.

cooking time and nutrition facts

Variations and Serving Suggestions

The classic green bean and potato salad is great on its own. Yet, you can add more fun to your meal with some variations. Here are a few ideas to try:


Looking to spice up your green bean and potato salad? Consider these ingredients:

  • Tomatoes: Diced tomatoes add a fresh and tangy flavor.
  • Olives: Sliced olives give a salty twist to the salad.
  • Corn: Corn kernels bring in sweetness and crunch.

These changes will make your salad tastier and more interesting.

Protein Additions

Want a more filling green bean and potato salad? Add some protein. Here are good choices:

  • Tuna: Canned tuna adds protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Hard-boiled eggs: They offer richness and extra protein.
  • Mozzarella: Fresh mozzarella cubes make it creamy.
  • Shrimp: Grilled shrimp brings a seafood flavor.
  • Anchovy fillets: Chopped anchovy fillets add umami taste.

Protein makes the salad more satisfying and flavorful.

Serving Suggestions

You can serve this adaptable green bean and potato salad in many ways:

  • Side dish: It’s perfect as a side for summer events.
  • Main course: Make it a main dish by adding plenty of protein. Serve with crusty bread.
  • Accompaniment: It pairs nicely with roast or grilled meats during colder months.

These ideas will help you match the salad to any meal or event.

We will share some top tips on making the perfect green bean and potato salad next. Keep an eye out!

Tips for Perfect Green Bean and Potato Salad

To make an amazing green bean and potato salad, knowing the right steps is key. Here are some top tips to make your salad the star of the show:

  1. Boil the potatoes in their skins: Boiling potatoes in their skins keeps them firm. This method locks in taste and texture. After cooking, peeling them is easy, and you keep all the goodness.
  2. Test the potatoes for doneness: Check if the potatoes are perfectly cooked by using a knife. If it slides out easily, they’re ready. This means your potatoes will be soft and fluffy, perfect for your salad.
  3. Cook the green beans until crisp-tender: Green beans should be just soft enough but still have a bit of bite. Cooking times vary from 5 to 15 minutes. Watch them closely to prevent them from going soft and dull.
  4. Create a flavorful vinaigrette dressing: A tasty vinaigrette can really bring your salad to life. Mix good olive oil, your favourite vinegar, garlic, shallot or scallion, herbs, and seasonings. Mix well to make a dressing that’s full of flavour.
  5. Toss warm potatoes and green beans: Mix the warm green beans and potatoes with your dressing for extra flavour. This step helps the veggies soak up the dressing, making each bite delicious.

With these tips, you’re on your way to making an outstanding green bean and potato salad. Paying attention to each step and doing it with care makes all the difference. This turns a simple dish into something special.

Ingredients Quantity
Potatoes 500g
Green Beans 250g
Olive Oil 2 tablespoons
Vinegar (e.g., white wine vinegar) 1 tablespoon
Garlic 1 clode, minced
Shallot or Scallion 1 small, finely chopped
Herbs (e.g., parsley, dill) 1 tablespoon, finely chopped
Salt To taste
Black Pepper To taste

Serving and Storing

This Green Bean and Potato Salad is not just tasty but very easy to bring along. You can enjoy it at summer BBQs, park picnics, potlucks, or big family dinners. Everyone will love it.

It’s great because you can eat it right away or at room temperature. So, you can make it before your event starts. This is handy for when you’re busy or want to prepare meals in advance.

Tasty and versatile, this Green Bean and Potato Salad is perfect for any occasion.

When making this salad ahead, keep it in the fridge for up to 2 days. Remember to let it sit out for 30 minutes before serving. This helps the flavors blend well, making it taste even better.

Store the salad in something airtight to keep it fresh. This keeps the green beans crisp and the potatoes soft. It ensures the dish stays delicious until you serve it.

Whether serving at once or preparing early, this salad always delights. Its fresh veggies and zesty dressing are ideal for any outdoor event or meal with loved ones.

Tips for Serving and Storing:

  • Store the salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  • Allow the salad to rest for at least 30 minutes before serving to enhance the flavors.
  • Enjoy the salad immediately or at room temperature.
  • Consider making it ahead of time to save time on the day of your event.
Storage Duration Storage Method Recommended Serving Temperature
Up to 2 days Airtight container in the refrigerator Room temperature or chilled


This green bean and potato salad recipe is timeless and versatile, sure to please everyone. It pairs fresh ingredients with a delicious dressing. Enjoy it at summer barbecues or as a winter side dish.

This classic recipe brings nostalgia to any gathering. Tender green beans, creamy potatoes, and a tangy dressing create a flavor blend you’ll love. It leaves your taste buds wanting more.

Don’t wait to try this simple yet tasty salad. It’s perfect for any cook, whether you’re experienced or just starting out. Elevate your meals with this classic dish. Try it today for a favorite that always stays in style.


Can I make this green bean and potato salad ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare this salad before you need it. Keep it in the fridge for up to 2 days. Let it sit outside the fridge for 30 minutes before serving. This helps the flavours blend nicely. Always use an airtight container to keep it fresh.

How many people does this recipe serve?

It’s enough to serve 10 people.

What are some variations I can try with this salad?

Why not add tomatoes, olives, or corn for extra taste? To make it a main dish, try including tuna, hard-boiled eggs, mozzarella, shrimp, or anchovy fillets.

How long does it take to cook this green bean and potato salad?

You’ll spend 15 minutes preparing it and another 20 minutes cooking. So, it takes 35 minutes in total.

Can I serve this salad at room temperature?

Absolutely. You can enjoy this salad right away or serve it at room temperature. It’s perfect for different events.


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